• When: 10/13/15
  • QIC: Stent
  • The PAX: Polo, Sheets, Furlough, Secondhand, Spread, Snowbird, Strom, Rossenbagger, Stent

SwampFox Gets Back to Business

After a week that we would all like to forget (and no bootcamps), it was time for the PAX at SwampFox to get back to business and put in some hard work.  It was clear that PAX showed up ready to get better.

Conditions:  59 deg and clear.  Nearly perfect!

The Thang:

  • Warm-up COP
    • SSH (4ct. x 25)
    • High Knees (4ct. x 25)
    • Fingertip Merkins (4ct. x 25)
    • Big boy Sit-ups (25 OYO)
  • Mosey to Converse
    • Jacobs Ladder (1-7 burpees)
    • Flutter kicks when done
    • Merkins (4ct. x 20)
  • Jog to Citadel Park
    • Abs Burnout Circuit
    • Chaser LBCs (4ct x 25)
    • V-ups (25 OYO)
    • Russian Twists (4ct. x 25)
    • Boat/Canoe
    • Run lap around park
    • Rinse and Repeat Abs
    • Nibbling Gigglers (4ct. x 25 each side)
  • Indian Run back to CMS
    • Peoples Chair (1 minute)
    • Balls to the Wall
    • Inverted Merkins (10 OYO)
    • Peoples Chair (1 minute)

Run back to COT

Great work this morning by all.  It was a “give it your all” kind of morning.  Proud to be part of this group of men.


There was a lot of discussion of this last week’s flood events.  Comments were made about how F3 Nation showed up to help those in need and what a positive impression was made.  Many have thanked F3 for all the work done.  In YHC view, the love of Jesus Christ shown so brightly through F3 Nation that no one could deny what a loving savior we have.

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