• When: 9.08.2015
  • QIC: Mission
  • The PAX: Hustler, First Choice, Yogie Bear, Nap, Mission, Woody, Logo, Cutler, Robber, Two Buck, Spankie, Bluegrass, Moon River, Cavity, Cheesy

Mission celebrates #44 with BrickPile and the Space Station…

Mission accepted a Q on the fly in honor of his 44th Birthday with the request that I help with the backblast.  It was hard to refuse him in his newest gift from his youngest child… an awesome pair of Blue SuperMan socks…we also had a fly-by of the Space Station which I have confirmed via the Interweb and NASA…#notkidding #everyonethoughtIwascrazy… see attached link.


Per the attached link it was “highly” visable at 6:04am for 5 min…It feels good to be “right”…

Conditions:  74 and cooler but still humid and wet

The Thang:  (all per memory so could be off in places)

Warmup in Parking Lot:

#crowdpleaser LAC OYO so Mission could enlighten us with his mumble chatter and talk the whole time not in cadence  #classicMission

30 SSH

20 IW

10 Merkins


Mosie to the big field around the school and line up on the end line.  Dividing the whole field into 1/3’s with the lights preform the following ladders sprinting between sections and then back down the field. (100+ yds )

20 Merkins; 30 Squats; 40 LBCs and back

10 Merkins; 20 BBSU; 30 Squats and back (during this trip back to the starting line we saw the Space Station while we were doing a random set of 25 flutters)

10 burpees; 15 Merkins; 30 Squats then straight to the BrickPile for some block work.

20 Curls

20 Chest Press

20 Goblin Squats


20 Leg Lifs with the block

20 Curls

10 Pick ‘em up put ‘em down OYO

20 Curls

44 Flutters in cadence for Mission’s b-day

Put up blocks and boat/canoe with SCORE while we wait for everything to be put up.


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