• When: 07/21/15
  • QIC: Pondo
  • The PAX: SilverBullet, Improv, Odyssey, Copay, Teddy, BackHoe, FroYo, LandLine, Meltdown, Tonto, Bubs, OnRamp, Stretch, Jar Jar, ShadeTree, Squint, Llama, Chewey, FlipShade, Beacon, Holy Poker, LandShark, Pondo

Martha and Merkins

23 Men braved the 74% humidity and the short turn planning of YHC for a rumble through the Hamptons to Mother Martha for some hill work.  It was a real push to get in all the running, but the pax dealt with it well.  Pain stations thrown in to break up the long Indian run to allow for the 6 to arrive.

Conditions: 79 and super humid

Skipped COP and immediately had pax partner up following welcome and disclaimer for Indian run to Martha.  Ran from parking lot on Old Knight Parkway past the park, crossed Old Woodlands and stopped at the turn for Martha for a little Pain Station to wait for the 6.  Squats x 20 IC, Carolina Dry Docks x 20 IC.  Indian run to bottom of Martha.

P1 sprints to top of Martha and does 25 merkins and runs back to bottom of hill, while P2 does AMRAP BB Situps then Flap Jack until both partners have done 5 trips up and down Martha, then last trip up is back pedaled by both partners together.  Re-form Indian run line and head back the way we came.  Stopped at speed hump before getting to Old Woodlands for a brief pain station of Russian twists while waiting for the 6, then all together for 20 flutter kicks.  Indian run to turn out near edge of park for final pain station of high planking and starfishing and merkins x 10, then jail break to COT in parking lot.

Announcements: Stretch is doing Silent F workshop on form next Sat. at 8:15 for about 45 minutes.  PaperCut is leading  a book study starting the first tues in Aug. at Eastminster PRes.  HDHH at 5:30 at Henry’s.  Lunch at Chipotle in vista.  1 yr. ann workout for the  shed on   8/29. Talk it up to your friends.  WS PT Test coming soon.

BOM and Devo by Pondo:  Micah 6:6-8  What does the Lord require of you?  Bonus Devo by Jar Jar   Put on your armor against sin and temptation every day.

moleskin: WS pax continue to post in large numbers to take on any Beatdown.  Keep up the good work.  July 29th, YHC needs volunteers to help spread the word about F3 at a registration event at Meadowfield from 1-7.

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