• When: 01/02/2015
  • QIC: Tuff Guy
  • The PAX: Garmin, Noonan, BallBoy, Inuit, FNG-Gronk, DoubeRub, Homewrecker, AlterBoy, Enos, KenDoll, SisterWife, Quisenberry, Scooper, Tuff Guy

Let the Stampede Begin


Weather- 48 degrees and nice

The Thang- run either 4 mile loop or 20 min out and back

14 pax with 1 FNG showed up this morning for the Big Bang of Lexington’s newest running AO, Stampede.  It was great to have representation from all regions in attendance, Columbia, Lake Murray, and Lexington.

Circle up and get instructions from YHC on route. Why did instructions have to include a burger joint and Krispy Kreme? Oh, because its easier to remember those than a street name or vitamin. (B-12)  B- Ave to 12th Street. What?  Then to N ave? Where is that? The streets are in alphabetical order for those listening.  Then stand around and wait until someone takes the initiative to start running. OK, now follow the animal in front of you until you feel comfortable to pace yourself.

And they’re off, like a thundering herd, rounding the parking lot looking for the feed trough.  Turn right at the light and run towards the jungle.  Now take in the nice sights that can only be seen in the dark while running the newest AO. And watch out for traffic. (Remember Disclaimer here), turn left, up the hill, dont go over the river because if you do, you are lost, but through the woods, and not to Grandma’s house either.


Thanks for the support from all regions to kick start a new AO. Great to have the Ramble group with us for a #rivergence(both sides of river joining up).

Come out to not be better than your neighbor, but to be a better person than you were yesterday.


P200 training is now underway. This AO will help get this kickstarted.

If anyone is up for the 1,000 mile challenge, this AO will be another opportunity to get those miles in.

Coffeeteria time.









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