Run Lap around full parking lot and return to front of gym
1. Merkens 20x (IC)
2. Plank-jacks 20x (IC)
3. LBC’s 25x (IC)
4. Flutter-kicks 30x (IC)
5. Squats 25x (IC)
6. Air Press 25x (IC)
7. SSH 50x (IC)
Mosey to Tennis Court
Partner up
P1 Bear-crawls to opposite end of court and back while P2 does flutter-kicks – Switch and repeat
P1 Burpee Broad-jumps to opposite end of court and back while P2 does Big Boy sit ups – Switch and repeat
P1 Lunge Walks to opposite end of court and back while P2 does Freedom Twists – Switch and repeat
Mosey to Baseball field
3 Groups
From home plate run to left field foul pole and back then 25 squats, rotate
From home plate run to center field fence and back then 25 LBC’s, rotate
From home plate run to right field foul pole and back then 25 merkens, rotate
Rinse and repeat
Mosey to Playground
Am-rap until time runs out
1. 10 Pull-ups
2. 20 Dips
3. 20 merkens
4. 20 squats
Closing Prayer – Two Gloves