• When: 08-27-15
  • QIC: Happy Trees
  • The PAX: Cheese Steak, Teddy, Silver Bullet, On-Ramp, Backhoe, Improv, Froyo, Pie, Green Tree, Backdraft, Crack, Paper Cut, Chewey, Llama, Side Saddle, Wiki, Bone Saw, Pondo, Happy Trees.

Happy Trees Kicks it Root Down

20 pax posted in the gloom for a Happy Trees Root Down workout.

Welcome and disclaimer
COP in front of school
Happy Jacks x 25 (5 SSH with 2 jump lunges)
High Toes (Ballet Feet) x 20
Cross Country’s (Mission Impossible) x 20
Air Chair with Seal Claps x 20
Proper Form Merkins x 10
15 LBC’s OYO
Low Country Crab x 20
Little Baby Arm Circles 15x forward and 15x backwards.
Calf Raises x 20
5 burpees OYO
Count off 1 and 2’s (remember your number for later)

Mosey to Circus Maximus
Jog to halfway point doing a Merkin at each painted line in the parking lot and each curb out. Turn around and go back doing the same thing, plank until 6 arrives.

Jog backwards to halfway point doing a rear lunge at each painted line and each curb out. Turn around and same thing back, Flutter Kicks until 6 arrives.

Skip all the way across parking lot doing 10 squats at each curb out, Hello Dolly until 6 arrives.

Low side shuffle all the way across with 5 jump lunges at each curb out, then merkins until 6 arrives.

Mosey to basket ball court and wall.
1’s do AMRAP wall touches while 2’s run suicides on BB court.
1’s do AMRAP toe touches on wall while 2’s run suicides on BB court
Switcheroo and repeat.

Mosey to field behind gym.
Line up 1’s and 2’s facing each other arms distance apart for over and unders. (Leap frog over and low crawl under each person in the line of pax.)
SEAL sit ups x 15 (Go Ruck inspired)
Jailbreak back to shovel flag.

Devo by Pondo:
James 5:13-5:16 “The Prayer of Faith.”

Moleskin: #Woodshed now has a Happy Trees, a Shade Tree, and a Green Tree. My bright pink shirt and light blue headband make me more aerodynamic when doing calf raises. The headband also causes short term memory loss as I realized I forgot my gloves about 4 minutes before go time. Good thing I live across the street.

Ironyard/Anchor Convergence
is 08/28 at 05:15 AM Riverfront Park Amphitheater at Three Rivers Greenway, 29201. Park in the parking lot then walk in with your bells.

Woodshed Convergence 08/29 1 year anniversary everyone come to #Woodshed!

Bull on Fire is Labor Day 09/07 (In honor of September 11th, Backdraft & Spot have something special planned. The #ConcreteBeast will be taken over by the men of our fire department simulating what our brave men do on a daily basis going up and down stair towers will full fire gear. You won’t want to miss this!

Hurricane Hike is 09/19

#2nd F opportunity: 09/27 Skeet Shooting with the guys! Backdraft is the Q, details coming soon…
#3rd F opportunity: Tuesdays at Eastminster Pres Church 6 pm (holler @F3Papercut if interested), A Life Worth Living.

Mud Run is 10/24, signups are open! Heist is the Q.

New #GritIron workout (kettlebells and agility) is coming to the #Woodshed starting after Labor Day.

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