• When: 08/04/15
  • QIC: Valdez
  • The PAX: Eagle, Slow Pitch, Bigfoot, Gold Bond, Ditchwitch, Waterboy, Tweetsie, Wiretap, Backhand, Cheese steak, Neuman, Ditto, Speed bump, Geppetto, FNG Cochran, FNG Nomad

Few burpees but ended with a bang (BTTW)

The Thang:


Mosey to playground area at the ball fields


Smurf Jacks 25 IC

Imperial Walkers 25 IC

Flutter Kicks 25 IC

Freddie Mercury 25 IC

Burpees 10 OYO

Mosey to pull up bars

Split group A – pull ups B – LBCs  AMRAP x 1 min  flip flop

A – merkins B – LBCs AMRAP x 1 min flip flop

Dips on picnic benches 25 OYO

Mosey over to baseball field

Run along outfield with 3 stops for ex

Merkins on way out; Mountain climbers on way back – reps of

Mosey back to AO for some bricks

Shoulder press w/bricks 20 IC

Overhead squat w/bricks 20 IC

Big Boys 15 OYO

Curls 20 OYO

Run 50 yds with bricks leave 1 and run back, drop other brick and then return to pick up 1st brick

Wall squats x 1 min

BTTW x 45 sec


Announcements: Eagle promoted 9/11 Run for our Troops in West Columbia to support Team RWB  www.runforourtroops.com

Sandhills running group MWF


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