• When: 08/04/15
  • QIC: Fountainhead
  • The PAX: Cheesy, Roscoe, TwoBuck, YogiBear, BigTime, Retread, Adrian, Fife, Spanky, Noonan, Staccato, DeanWormer, Robber, Mission, Flea, HalfTime, SisterWife, SnapOn, Windscreen, Dunstin, Heartbreaker, Logo, PreNup, PinkEye, Fog, F'head, and an FNG (Jason Bradley) who had to high tail it home without getting a nickname... Y'all give him something good next time.

#Brickpile Roadtrip

As the faithful gathered behind DHS and Adrian trotted off into the dark with cones for something diabolical, most were thankful YHC had the #Brickpile Q for the morning while he was scheduled to lead SCORE.  It’s always interesting to see who, at the last minute, decides which Q they’re willing to endure for 45 minutes.  With SCORE faithfully holding down the fort, therefore, the #Pile guys took it on the road.

Conditions: 75 degrees but with the humidity well into the 90% range.


Mosey to the grass for a quick COP while a few late comers scorched the asphalt sliding into the lot.

  • SSH X 30 4CT IC
  • Mercans X 15 4CT IC
  • PlankJacks X 15 4CT IC
  • LBC’s X 20 4CT IC

Scale the wall and hang out in the Princeton cul-de-sac doing flutter kicks while everyone regroups.  Once the pax assembled, 10 Flutter Kicks were called, 4CT IC…  ’twas to become a theme.

Mosey up Princeton turning right on Devereaux to the intersection of Devereaux and Adger where the pax again assembled while doing LBC’s.  As the six arrived, 10 LBC’s were called, 4CT IC.

Mosey yet further down Devereaux to a stop at the corner of Devereaux and Heathwood Circle.  This time the pax did Hello Dollie’s until the six arived and, you guessed it, got in a 10 spot, 4CT IC once everyone was together.

Mosey along Deveraux turning right on Abelia for a final stop… in someone’s front yard.  YHC was told it was the home of a fartsacking member of the #Brickpile pax so we did a quiet set of Mountain Climbers… quiet just in case it was a random stranger’s yard in which we were methodically digging holes.

Finally the moving herd gathered at Heathwood Park for a couple AMRAP circuits that went like this:

Circuit 1:

  • Pullups X 10, Single Count
  • Squats X 10, Single Count
  • LBC’s X 10, Single Count
  • Mercans X 10, Single Count

Rinse and repeat that for ten minutes using the transition only for recovery.  Most pax got in four to five sets of each excersize, the pullups being the clear crowdpleaser.  #MidgetBars

Circuit 2:

  • Dips X 10, Single Count (on the park benches)
  • Lunges X 10, Counting each leg
  • Mercans X 10, Single Count
  • Big Boy Situps X 10, Single Count

Again, AMRAP that around and around and around for ten minutes.  YHC lost count but most guys did at least five sets… possibly six or seven.

With scant time to get back to the AO, the pax took the Cassina Road shortcut up to the corner of Kilbourne…  where again we stopped for some Flutter Kicks wrapping up that break with a set of 10, 4CT IC.

Moseying yet further up Cassina and around Heatherwood Circle to the opposite/other corner of Cassina for a Hello Dolly stop.  Again the #faithful rested on their sixes with their legs in the air waiting on the six to arrive before closing with 10 Dolly’s, 4CT IC.

With the sun chasing us around the #BigBall we continued up Cassina to Adger and back onto DHS turf for a little plankorama (got to mix up all that ab stuff… it’s not like we’re #Chisel).  This time we ended the set with 10 Mercans, 4CT IC.

And around the front of DHS we ran headed back toward the COT.  In tribute to our run/pause/run/pause tour of the Hills of Heath, we again closed the set with ten flutters, 4Ct IC as the last of our troop brought it on home.

COT & BOM (closed out by Adrian)

Devotional – Romans 1:18ff – Know the Truth, speak the Truth, hold your brothers and even this postmodern world to the Truth.


  • Salute to the FNG who raced out of there as fast as he could.  Don’t worry, I didn’t take it personally.  I’m used to guys running away from me ( That’s a double entendre…  lots of guys are faster than me and thus, as I struggle to keep up, they run away.  But, of course, YHC has been recognized from afar as the walking guilt trip, a human embodiment of their lack of F3 consistency.  Or maybe they’re just avoiding me.  ‘Could go either way).  Ether way, if he comes back, it was decided, he’d get a nickname then.  If not, “CryBaby” as suggested by the remaining pax may just stick.
  • T-Claps to whoever turned on the fan at the park.  It felt almost like a dark, dank gym there beneath the pines.
  • I’d forgotten just how much mumblechatter can exist when Robber and Mission are both present, bodily, in the same gloom.  #Hammer guys never talk… Same is true at #Battle…  men just growl at eachother… and take their beatings in snotwoggled silence.
  • Funniest moment… watching Logo do pullups on the 4′ bar.


  • 5 Miler coming up on Labor Day.  Pick and AO and sign up through Strictly Running to be on a track style collective score card.
  • Look for details on this year’s hurricane hike.  Big Time’s got the details or you can look them up on the State Guard’s web site here.
  • Woodshed Anniversary Convergence is coming.
  • Labor Day at #TheBull will feature fire trucks.  No kidding.


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