YHC had the responsibility to Q the Tuesday morning after Labor Day 2014, the first weekday Q at the Woodshed following our founding on 8/30/14. No one else wanted to take that Q last year and no one else wanted to take it this year. So YHC, re-visited his very first Woodshed Q, which was also his very first BootCamp Q with the 16 brave pax who threw off the fartsack and got to work. Based on an unscientific pole, it sucked a year ago and it still sucked today.
Conditions: mid 70’s but really darn humid
Disclaimer by YHC following receipt from pax of worksheet on how to tell time. Thanks fellas.
The Thang: COP with SSH x 30, IW’s x 25, Squats x 20, BB Situps x 20, Merkins x 20, Mtn Climbers x 15, CDD x 15 all IC, protractor on YHC’s call.
Mosey to the lower playground: Go through rings without touching the ground, Run long sides and / bunny hop short sides of the barrier around the playground, pull ups x 10, dips x 20. R&R
Mosey to baseball field for Diamond of Doom: Sprint right field line, merkins x 20 in corner, Karaoke outfield, LBC’s x 20 in corner, sprint to home plate, 10 one leg squats (each leg). R&R (this was the extra lap not accomplished a year ago).
Partner up- Wheelbarrow from home plate to right field corner, both partners do plank jacks x 20, bear crawl to center field, crab walk (FroYo walk) to left field corner, switch wheelbarrow walk to home plate, both partners do Iron Cross x 20.
Jail Break to COT.
COT and BOM by Pondo
Proverbs 27:17 Iron Sharpens Iron as one man sharpens another.
Moleskin: Though this was slightly tweaked from the first workout, it still provided a challenge even for our seasoned pax. Effort was great and there was less complaining this time around. Old BB’s are a treasure trove of ideas. FroYo is now the crab walk master. It was truly impressive to watch.
Announcements: BRR is this weekend. Prayer for our brothers for safe travels and the fulfillment of the promise of their training. MudRun Signups are still on. Deadline is 9/12. Bull on Fire was awesome. Thank you Spot, CheeseSteak and BackDraft and Improv. PaperCut’s book study of Phillipians is on Tuesdays at 6:00 at Eastminster Pres. The Axe is back on 9/24. Come beat your last mark.