• When: 2023-07-15
  • QIC: BunkBed
  • The PAX: Spot, Ronda, Hawg, Big Worm, Cesspool

Sleds, Bear Crawls and Burnouts

AO: Battle
Q: BunkBed
PAX: Hawg, Spot, Ronda, CESS, Big Worm
FNGs: None


It’s way too hot and humid to do anything. Alas, YHC has the honor of leading the toughest AO in F3 Columbia and did his best to push the PAX to their limits before trash pick-up time for 45 mins.


The Motivator X7 IC



World’s Greatest Stretch right and left sides


Mosey to field

1 min Low Plank

1 min Low Plank right side

1 min Low Plank Left side

Take turns pushing prowler 20 yrd each while PAX do merkins in between. It was a disaster so we regrouped back at the goal line after pushing the sled 200 yrd.

Take 2 of the push involved the PAX partnering up. P1 pushed 60 yrd out and P2 push 60 yrd back while the other PAX remain in plank

Take 3 involved Cesspool taking the liberty to push the prowler for 100 yrd and then Big Worm 100 yrd back. Remaining PAX AMRAP an exercise. You’re supposed to modify down, not up Cess!!!

In the end all PAX pushed the prowler ~300 yrd a piece!

No seriously, it’s way too hot out here

Bear Crawl 10 yrd then 10 merkins, 10 BBS and 10 squats

Rinse and repeat for 50 yrd

Turn to face the goal line and PAX did the Durham Diggler back to the goal line. Reps went up to 9 (1 lunge then 1 lunge pulse, 2 lunges then 2 lung pulses, 3 lunges then 3 lunge pulses)

Hustler Merkin up to 10 reps (1:4 Ratio merkin to raise the roof)

Captain Thor till time got to 7 reps (1:2 Ratio Boat Canoe to American Hammer)

Put prowler back and mosey to the start


07-24-23 0530 Start of Crazy Train at The Bull

07-29-23 1900-2300 F3 Shag Dance Night at Covenant Rd PCA

08-05-23 Q School

08-29-23 0530 Thunder 10 Yr Anniversary

9-30-23 F3 Columbia Golf Waggle

10-14-23 F3 Columbia 11 Yr Anniversary


Prayers for YHC’s Nana and baby ultrasound this week. Prayers for Sydney and Love Child’s family. Remember to finish strong for Syd! PAX cleaned up as much as they could of AC Flora High School before having to leave. Equipment for clean up was supplied by Palmetto Pride.

*COFFEETERIA:* Hawg has a bottomless cup of coffee at Bruegger’s! Chit-chat about work-n-such

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