• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Burpee Fun House Battle Styke

AO: battle
Q: Spot
PAX: CESS, Billy Bob, Fountainhead, Fergie, Stamp
FNGs: 1 Stamp

SSH until PAX are congregated
Mosey to football field, then to end zone
Jail break to opposite end zone

Take turns pushing sled ten yards each to 50 yard line

10 Burpees
Rush and Roll to end zone

10 Tempo Squats
Rush and Roll to 50 yard line

9 Hand Release Burpees
Take turns pushing sled ten yards each to end zone

10 Tempo Squats
10 In and Outs
Take turns pushing sled ten yards each to 50 yard line

8 Burpee Broad Jumps
Take turns pushing sled ten yards each to end zone

10 Tempo Squats
10 In and Outs
10 Lunge Walk steps
Take turns pushing sled ten yards each to 50 yard line

7 Frogger Burpees
Take turns pushing sled ten yards each to end zone

10 Tempo Squats
10 In and Outs
10 Lunge Walk steps
10 Russian Twists
Take turns pushing sled ten yards each to 50 yard line

6 Diamond Burpees
Take turns pushing sled ten yards each to end zone

10 Tempo Squats
10 In and Outs
10 Lunge Walk steps
10 Russian Twists
10 Squats
Take turns pushing sled ten yards each to 50
yard line

5 standard Burpees
Take turns pushing sled ten yards each to end zone

10 Tempo Squats
10 In and Outs
10 Lunge Walk steps
10 Russian Twists
10 Squats
10 Spot LBCs
Take turns pushing sled (with a PAX on board) ten yards each to 50 yard line

4 One Legged Burpees
Take turns pushing sled (with PAX on board) ten yards each to end zone

10 Tempo Squats
10 In and Outs
10 Lunge Walk steps
10 Russian Twists
10 Squats
10 Spot LBCs
10 Calf Raises
Take turns pushing sled (with a PAX on board) ten yards each to 50 yard line

3 Man Maker Burpees
Mosey to end zone

10 Tempo Squats
10 In and Outs
10 Lunge Walk steps
10 Russian Twists
10 Squats
10 Spot LBCs
10 Calf Raises
10 Flutter Kicks
Rush and Roll to 50 yard line (with bear crawls)

2 Jail House Burpees (because of Stamp’s tattoo)
Take turns pushing sled (with PAX on board) ten yards each to end zone

10 Tempo Squats
10 In and Outs
10 Lunge Walk steps
10 Russian Twists
10 Squats
10 Spot LBCs
10 Calf Raises
10 Flutter Kicks
10 Monkey Humpers
Mosey to 50 yard line


Burpee Fun House (55 Burpees Straight)

10 standard Burpees
9 Hand Release Burpees
8 Broad Jump Burpees
7 Frogger Burpees
6 Diamond Burpees
5 standard Burpees
4 One foot Burpees
3 Man Maker Burpees
2 Jail House Burpees
1 4 x 4 Burpees

Mosey to COT

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :


Several friends and PAX who need our prayers

Importance of routine medical exams. Let’s keep each other accountable.

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