• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Battle meets DawnStrike

AO: Battle
Q: Fallout (1st F)
PAX: CESS, Hawg, Big Worm, Fallout (1st F), Ward Bradley, High-Tops
FNGs: None



SSH, IC, 20
Merkins, 30
Imperial walkers, IC, 20
Squats, 30
LBAC (forward, reverse, overhead), IC, 20
Merkins, 30
Oil Derricks, 20 per leg
Squats, 30

Take weights to the field, line up on goal line.

3 rds, rotate weight each round: 20 weight squats, Bear crawl 10 yds, 20 merkins, Bear crawl back, 20 High pulls, Bear crawl 10, 20 flutters, Bear crawl back, 20 mountain climbers, Bear crawl 10, 20 merkins, Bear crawl back

Push weight 10 yds, 10 merkins and 10 squats, to the 50, rotate weight, repeat for next 50.

20 curls, press, rows, ww3 sit-ups

Farmers carry 10 yds, 10 merkins and 10 squats, rotate weight each time, to 50.

Cusack 10 yds, 10 merkins and 10 squats, rotate weight each time, to goal line.

Put weights up.

20 burpees to finish.

Babar’s message about remembering those that served, and that they likely have lost friends. Fully enjoy the fun things, cause they sacrificed so you could.
Biggies back, Costanza’s scouts rough diagnosis

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