This morning started like most morning, then #dawnstrike.
Conditions: Humid, 79 degrees
The Thang:
Double applesauce indian run to Devereaux and Adger
SSH – 20 4ct. IC
Grab some curb for Tabata (Chibata) mountain climbers – 20 secs AMRAP, 10 secs rest in plank, x6
Mosey to corner of Princeton and Devereaux
Lunge walk – 25 yrds
Sprint to wall and over
- LBCs – 25 4ct. IC
- Protractor – various for 2 mins
- CLBCs – 25 4ct. IC
- Standing Freddie Murcuries (Imperial Walkers) – 25 4ct. IC
- Flutter kicks – 25 4ct. IC
Grab 1 brick from brick pile and back over the wall, plank for 6
Mosey to Berkeley Hill and pair up
- Pax 1 (no brick) – down Berkeley Hill and 5 burpees, (here’s the backward part) sprint backwards up Berkeley Hill
- Pax 2 (with both bricks) – at top of hill, AMRAP OH presses
- Flap jack
- x5 (#crowdpleaser)
Mosey to corner of Adger and Devereaux for giant arm circles – 10 4ct. IC forward and reverse
Mosey back over the wall and put away bricks
Mosey over to courtyard and plank on benches for the 6
- Wall sit – 60 secs
- Flutter kicks – 15 4ct. IC
- Wall sit arms OH – 60 secs
- Flutter kicks – 15 4ct. IC
- Wall sit arms out – 60 secs
- Flutter kicks – 25 4ct. IC
Mosey to Hollywood Squares (workout w/tomato already there)
- Plank series
- Step ups – 10 ea. leg
- Dips – 10 4ct. IC
- In and outs – 15 4ct. IC
- YHC anticipated the pax would take 7 mines longer to knock out those Berkeley Hill repeats. Stronger work and way to push. Those backward sprints up Berkeley were awful. Somebody remind YHC never to call those again. T-Claps to Hustler and Wingback for lapping the field and going 6 rounds.
- With #F3BRR training in full swing on Saturday mornings, YHC was glad to be back out with the boys of #dawnstrike. Great group of men and always a tough workout with lots of quality #mumblechatter.
- Reminder to the Pax that #Amble is now from a static AO location – 0530 from DHS back parking lot. #nomoreroaming
- 8/1 – Hot summer nights 5K w/party to follow at Promo’s
That is all.