
Kudzu East. Claiming credit again.

AO: kudzu Q: Lemmy PAX: Cheesesteak FNGs: None COUNT: 2 WARMUP: Ran from the Y for a couple of miles. THE THANG: 10 x the brutal Old Kelly Mill hill. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sunday morning track work. COT: Two points make a line segment. LSOT.T

Hammer beat down

AO: hammer Q: Big Worm PAX: Bindi, Collar, Felix, Ratatouille FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: dynamic stretching while walking, some running, 30 flutters and 10 iron crosses THE THANG: use the three speed bumps in the Trenholm parking lot as stations: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 HR merkins at the first speed bump, then suicide …

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Dealers Choice

AO: swampfox Q: Kitty , Billy Bob, Kilt, Turtle, Strom PAX: Billy Bob, Sheets, Strom, Nelly, Stent, Kilt, Polo FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: THE THANG: ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT:

10 Station Gauntlet

AO: sawmill Q: Full Metal Jacket PAX: Gepetto, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Lemmy, Flapper, Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 5 WARMUP: Stretches, SSHs, IWs, Hillbillies, THE THANG: 10 Stations 1-20 Mtn Climbers (4-ct) 2-30 Flutters (4-ct) 3-25 Plank Jacks 4-50 Merkins 5-25 Squats 6-25 American Hammers (4-ct) 7-25 Iron Crosses 8-10 Burpees 9-30 SSH (4-ct) 10-30 …

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Leg Day!

AO: score Q: Ball Boy PAX: Crawlspace, Lumen, Nails, Charley (f3Pele), Spool, OBC, Sled, RayCharles FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: A lot of arm stretching for leg day! THE THANG: A lot of great things happening today. Ballboy displays his beard of wisdom doing leg and ab work even though he has a torn rotator …

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Get work done

AO: bladerunner Q: Valdez PAX: Cottontail, Lemmy, Full Metal Jacket FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Needed. The wind was chill THE THANG: Run/Merkins ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rudder was overhead paged but he didn’t show despite slacking about it yesterday and even mentioning God in his designated start time :man-facepalming: COT:

4 hood tour

AO: amble Q: Nails PAX: Trademark, Oscar, Filter, Bucket Truck, Nails, Lotus FNGs: None COUNT: 6 6 motivated men ran for a Parade of Hoods. Starting through Historic Heathwood to Melrose Heights to Olde Shandon, newer Shandon back to Heathwood.

tee hee

AO: the-bunker Q: Snuggles PAX: Jar Jar, Bidet FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: VQ for Snuggles. He remembered the disclaimer, can’t remember the last time that happened fore a virgin THE THANG: run around and do stuff, some dealers choice Mary at the end ANNOUNCEMENTS: sandlot stuff COT: what is the Lord doing in your …

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AO: scramble Q: Gaston PAX: BooBoo, Collar, Hawg, Sergeant Slaughter, Tarek FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: THE THANG: ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT:

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