
PreNup on Point

AO: score Q: Prenup PAX: Crawlspace, Lumen FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: Mostly the same but oddly enough, No Imperials and straight to Windmills THE THANG: The thermometer read 21 degrees but two Pax joined Prenup for a Neighborhood Tour to the Sandbox and back, pain stations along the way. ANNOUNCEMENTS: None COT: Prayers for …

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FOG (4 old guys) workout

AO: score Q: Spool PAX: Crawlspace, Prenup, Sled, Spool FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: The usual PB&J, LBAC optional Prenup, little “gate” stretching with additional modification from Sled’s 2.0! THE THANG: Little campus workout. Stretch in the parking lot and then off to the courtyard for some bench exercises. Wall sit with OHO IC Gas …

FOG (4 old guys) workoutRead More »

12 Tribes of Amble

AO: amble Q: Lobstah PAX: Double Rub, Fallout, improv, Oscar, Seahorse, Woody, Full Monty, OBC, boris, Crawlspace, Lobstah, QuickDry FNGs: None COUNT: 12 WARMUP: Couple of calf stretches THE THANG: The Twelfth route run by two ignored by most ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tom Tom Foolery Tomorrow COT: Lindsay, DFGs mother, Quakers surgery

Biggie Smalls Steps to Success

AO: amble Q: Biggie Smalls PAX: Betamax, Biggie Smalls, Crawlspace, improv, Lego, Mud Dawg, Nails, OBC, Oscar, Trademark FNGs: None COUNT: 10 WARMUP: Biggie Stretched, Lego stretched his mouth THE THANG: ANNOUNCEMENTS: it is Wednesday COT: prayers for the Bunkbed family with their little one

Porch Perfect!

AO: score Q: Crawlspace , OBC PAX: Crawlspace, OBC, Windmill FNGs: None COUNT: 3 WARMUP: OBC THE THANG: Standard Dealers Choice! Windmill had some nice variations on old favorites to make it interesting, and also stretched us out to end the day. 110% participation at Eggs Up as Ripcord joined us (missed the workout due …

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Chained In

AO: score Q: Lumen PAX: OBC, Crawlspace, Ripcord FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: SSH, Assorted Stretches THE THANG: Lots of squats and merkins, flutters, Hillbillies, a wall sit ANNOUNCEMENTS: COT: Closed with prayer and full coffeeteria participation

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