• When: 2022-03-10
  • QIC: Breaker Breaker
  • The PAX: Quick Shot, Ranger, Chedder, Hopper, Dance Machine, Twister, Shake N Bake, Bulldog, Rebar, Netflix, Whisper, Itchy, Digger, Shades of Grey, Spackle, Shark Boy, Little Hands, Good Hands, Breaker Breaker

Breaker Breaker takes a Breaky Breaky

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19 Pax posted at Graveyard for the ultimate respect Q as we celebrated Breaker Breaker’s retirement after 43 years of selling big ole rigs.  Some of Lexington’s finest showed up for this no-winky workout, including some that are near and dear to BB’s heart, two of his grandchildren.  Merkins, Burpees and Bear Crawls were promised, and all were eventually delivered. But today was not really about the workout…

When you reach a certain age or point in life you can do things how you want to.  That goes for a workout (as evident this morning), your personal life, your spiritual life and your career.  BB’s spirtual life has never wavered and when you hear him pray you understand that.  No one prays harder than he does. (I dare you to grab his hand during a prayer) BB’s personal life is about to get a whole lot better, and he has been patient and faithful to his career, but he is ready to spend time with some of his favorite little people, his 5 grandkids – Alex, Isabella, Jack, Jennings and Mila.  For the record, he already spends a lot of time with them, even when it’s not convenient or when he has worked all day or when he just doesn’t feel like it.  He is ALWAYS there to love on them, dig in the dirt with them, play ball with them, wrestle on the floor with them, play princesses with them and just be the granddaddy that every little kid wants.  They love him so much, but he loves them even more.  This is why he has worked at the same company for the past 43 years.  While time is not promised he will make the most of it and this next stage of his life will be the best yet.  He and Kathy will continue to have a ball and I am sure he will continue to post at Graveyard and Boneyard and even Q from time to time.  “Thank you!”, Breaker Breaker…

Conditions: Rain held off, mostly…52 degrees

COT – Pledge of Allegiance…Prayer…Disclaimer…No FNGs

Mosey around the parking lot and to the block pile under the stairs…

The Thang Pt 1

BB wanted to make sure that today was not just about him and asked that everyone…1. Say who invited them out 2. How they got their name…

After each pax gave their bios, calisthenics were done – rotating: curls, block presses, LBACs, windmills, mountain climbers, plank jacks, kettle bell swings and burpees

The Thang Pt 2

BB took the Pax up and down the stairs completing 7 burpees at the bottom and bear crawling back up the stair, 7 times…

Circle back up – merkins as promised

Mosey to the flag, kinda…and then back to the flag for some Mary – flutter kicks and LBCs


Announcements: Lexington Race Against Hunger – 3/18, Convergence – 3/12

Prayer requests – Robin (SnB friend), Megan (Digger’s daughter), No Show

Devotion: Proverbs 27:17 “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”

Thanks again Breaker Breaker!!!




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