• When: 05/02/2015
  • QIC: Honeybun, Harp
  • The PAX: Honeybun (Respect), Harp

Winging it, Snakepit style

YHC has not been as dedicated as normal to his Saturday workout schedule, but when it was known that only 2 PAX showed for last Saturday’s edition of the Snakepit beatdown, words like accountability, commitment and dedication were foremost in YHC’s thoughts upon waking early Saturday.  Arriving at the parking lot, a lone vehicle sat in front of the school.  Much like Old Faithful (and here we focus on the consistency part, not the ancient hole in the ground blowing steam) Honeybun is ready to roll.  With no Q scheduled, we ad libbed, winged it, ran it on the fly, whatever you want to call it, but make sure you call it suck, because it did.

Conditions: 50ish degrees, cool and perfect.


The Thang:

Down the big boy stairs and circle up (line up, row up?) for the following:



20 IW IC


20 merkins OYO

hamstring stretch, right over left, left over right

Mosey to the bleachers

Plank on the seat and side crawl to the top and back down, completing one merkin each seat

Jacobs ladder bunny hop up the bleacher seats and back down, do 10 LBCs and drop one LBC each trip.

20 dips

At the side stairs, run to the top do 10 merkins, run to the bottom 10 squats, dropping one repetition each lap.

mosey to the lower pit for some block and  brick work

15 block overhead presses immediately followed by 15 reps with bricks

15 block curls, 15 brick curls

15 merkins on bricks

10 block presses, 10 brick presses

10 block merkins

25 overhead arm claps

15 brick flies

15 merkins on bricks, wide hands

15 triceps extensions with bricks

15 Lateral raises with block, each side

Grab a tire with a rope, sprint across the pit and back dragging the tire.

Mosey to the bottom of the BB stairs for Mary

15 LBC’s in cadence

25 dying cockroach IC

15 Burt Reynolds

20 Flutter kicks (we would have done 94, but Chinstrap was not there)

Countarama was not necessary






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