• When: 2023-09-12
  • QIC: Booster
  • The PAX: Pickaxe, Glowworm, Duraflame, D-rail, Granola, Sunday Driver, Canseco, Booster

New Year’s Resolution Check-In

8 PAX posted for a week late NY resolution monthly check-in and how the resolutions are going since last month. YHC was a little under the weather last week so the PAX graciously allowed the postponement. Great time this morning. Conversation and BBR war stories were great. Special shoutout to Lamont for being the man.

Weather- 70 with some humidity



Mosey around the parking lot to wait on a few late arrivals.

COP x 10 IC- TTT, Arm circle circuit, Imperial Walkers, Slo-mo squats

Mosey to bus loop:

  1. D-Rail- resolution to read a book a month. Currently on book number 18, so well ahead. No burpees needed. We took a lap around the bus loop and did 2 min wall sit. Moseyed back to parking lot.
  2. Pickaxe- 5 workouts a week. Has been successful over the last month. No burpees. We did tree suicides on the side road and finished in the back teachers parking lot.
  3. Duraflame- more water, less sugar. He has been successful. No burpees. 10 hand release merkins, 10 BBSUs, 5 hand release merkins, 5 BBSU, 10 hand release merkins, 10 BBSU. Mosey over to the stairs near the gym
  4. Canseco- more deliberate/intentional with family and date nights with M. He has been 80% successful. 2 burpees then bunny hop up the stairs and mosey back down. Rinse and repeat. Climb back up the steps.
  5. Sunday Driver- drip to Disney World. Hasn’t happen yet but technically year isn’t over. We did burpees anyway. 10 burpees. Lap around the back track to the basketball court
  6. Granola- post more in 2023 than 2022. He said it is a tie. Tie goes to the burpees. 10 burpees. Back up to teachers parking lot.
  7. Glowworm- go to church more. 25% successful. 8 burpees. Mosey back toward front parking lot.
  8. Booster- no complaining. Unsuccessful. 10 burpees. Mosey back to SF.

5 min of Mary


Prayer requests- Wapner 2.2, Sunday Driver dad, D-rail and family about to have baby, Canseco uncle passing and his family

Devo- no scripture but YHC told a recent encounter where he witnessed someone who was nudged by the Holy Spirit to share the gospel and she did so. So when the Holy Spirit nudges us we need to listen

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