• When: 11/04/14
  • QIC: Phonebooth
  • The PAX: Tent Pole, Trix, Jazz Hands, Rabid, Crash, JD, Run flat, Gerrymander, Overruled, Vanilla, Slate, Swampy, Hash Brown, EZ, Stagecoach, EOB, Coppertone, Uncle Rico, Roommate, Phonebooth

Super-cali-frickin-Suck-Fest and Total Arm destruction by Phonebooth

20 Pax rolled into the gloom at Depot, fully knowing that today’s workout from YHC would suck – big time. YHC timidly chuckled last night as he thought of a new way to unleash the pain from this suck-a-rama, but I also knew that I would be kicking my own butt today. Today was about pushing limits and destroying arms/upper body. Each man would get a cinder block and it would go almost everywhere with him today. Not sure about my Depot Bros, but my block felt like it had gained 50 lbs before the end of the workout. Full disclosure, I am had to take an arm break after writing these first few sentences.

Conditions: 38 deg, Cinder Blocks, Painy with a 100% chance of Pain later in the morning. Tomorrow will also include 100% of leftover pain with a slight chance of leftover pain on Thursday.

Circled up in the parking lot, gave the speech, had everyone partner up, grab one cinder block per man, and head to the Playground.

At the playground, we did the Phonebooth Special:
– 10 pull-ups per man, followed by 10 curls with your block
– 7 sets
– Plank waiting on the 6

Moved to Soccer Field end (near Parking lot). I placed Green Chem-lites at the big metal poles (first two on right & first two on the left) to create a huge square on the field:
– First man does curls with his cinder block (AMRAP)
– His partner goes to the first Green chem-lite on the right side, does 10 merkins, then runs to the 2nd Green Chem-lite on the right side 100 yds away, does 10 merkins, runs across the field to the left side to the 3rd Green Chem-lite 100 yds away, does 10 merkins, runs back to the 4th green chem-lite on the left side 100 yds away, does 10 merkins, and then runs back to his partner.
– Swap out, first man runs and 2nd man does curls (AMRAP)
– Do five laps each man
– Burpee Train showed up and slowed down to ensure we got plenty of burpees, so some folks only did four laps, but some still did five laps. Had to move to the workout to the next stage of pain.

Moved to Suck Hill with our cinder blocks and partners for a little Jacob’s ladder:
– First man does curls (AMRAP) until partner gets back
– Second man runs up the hill with his cinder block, does 10 alternating merkins (5 on each side of the block), then runs back down with block to swap with partner
– Descending count down to 2 Merkins (1 on each side of the block)

Put cinder blocks up and mosey to shovel flag

Today’s workout was tough, but it was all about getting better on upper body. Each man had to take breaks today because we hit the wall multiple times, but I asked each man to keep that break to 10 seconds or less, or do a different exercise with your block. The Pax definitely tasted their metal today as they pushed themselves to finish the workout. Encouragement from partners was good today, but we need to get better on that. All workouts suck to a certain degree, but with encouragement from each other we can always keep going, making it suck less. Every man is doing his best, but a motivating word from his F3 bro beside him can give him that little boost he needs to keep going when he wants so bad to quit. Improvement comes with getting out of the fartsack and posting. Great improvement comes with finding your mental/physical wall and running into it enough times until it comes down and you get beyond it. It may be you against you out in the gloom, but you are never alone. We are getting better together.

Devotional: What are you worried about? by Rick Warren
“Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life” (Philippians 4:6–7 MSG).

Two businessmen were talking about the economy:

Jack: “I’m about to lose my job and our house is in foreclosure, but I don’t worry about it.”
Bob: “How can you not be worried?”
Jack: “I’ve hired a professional worrier. He does all my worrying for me. That way I don’t have to think about it!”
Bob: “That’s a fantastic idea. How much does it cost to hire a professional worrier?”
Jack: “$50,000 a year.”
Bob: “$50,000! Where are you going to get that kind of money?”
Jack: “I don’t know. That’s HIS worry!”

Worry is something you learn to do.

There is no such thing as a “born worrier.” It is a learned response to life. You learned to worry from two sources:

1. You learned to worry from experience. After years of mistakes, failures, and unfulfilled expectations, you’ve discovered that things don’t always turn out right. Out of these experiences you formed the habit of worrying.

2. You learned to worry from examples. There are many models around you. Studies show that children usually pick up their parent’s worries. Anxious parents raise anxious kids.

Since worry is a learned response to life, it can be unlearned!

The starting point for overcoming worry is to realize it is useless. It does you no good to worry. It is “stewing without doing.” Worry has never changed anything. Worry cannot change the past. Worry cannot control the future. Worry only makes you miserable today.

Worry has never solved a problem, never paid a bill, and never cured an illness. It only paralyzes you so you can’t work on the solution. Worry is like racing a car when its engine is in neutral; it doesn’t get you anywhere, it just uses up gas.

The Bible teaches, “An anxious heart weighs a man down” (Proverbs 12:25 NIV).

On top of that, worry exaggerates the problem. It plays on your imagination. Have you ever noticed that when you worry about a problem it gets bigger? Every time you repeat if over and over in your mind you tend to add details, amplifying it so you feel worse.

What’s the solution? Instead of worrying, talk to God about what’s worrying you. He is someone who can do something about it.


– F3 BIRCH Christmas Party will be on 12/11/14, Uno is the QIC. Details are coming
– Traveling Pax shirt from Mudgear shipped yesterday
– F3 Lake Murray shirts shipping to Crash in November. More info coming
– Tclaps for Jazz Hands coming back out to Depot. #Kotter
– Need some new Qs to step up and sign up for Foxhole and Depot. Talk to another Q if you are interested
– Spring Mud Run details are forthcoming. May see an email in December once the QIC has been named.

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