• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 


AO: swampfox
Q: Fountainhead
PAX: Fountainhead, Kitty, Billy Bob, Krusty, Kilt, Strom, Polo
FNGs: None

It was a humid morn, dew moistened the grass, and just as we’d gotten together in the trusty gloom a splattering of rain foretold the story.

SSH X 25
Imperial Walkers X 25
LBC’s X 25
Slow/Fast Squats X 25
Mercans X 25

Mosey to Crayton and line up for a forward mosey, some skipping, backwards run and a forward sprint to end up at the basketball courts.

Four Square (shortened to only 3 sets)
Mercans X 25 and then mosey the length on one court.
LBC’s X 20 and side shuffle the width of the double baseline
Iron Cross X 15 and run backwards the length of the court
Squats X 10 and side shuffle the fourth side width of the double court
Rinse & Repeat twice more

*** a little drizzle isn’t so bad, the threat of some thunder and its cause called for a new plan ***

Trot up to Crayton for some canopy work:
6 inches to 45
Hello Dolly X 25
LBC’s X 25
Ukrainian Freedom Twists X 25

Mosey the length of the canopy for set 1:
Squats X 10 and backpedal to the Crayton Entry
Iron Cross X 15 and run to the end of the canopy
LBC’s X 20 and backpedal to the entry
Mercans X 25 for set one

Burpees on the lines to the end
Wall sit with a ten second left leg and right leg lift
Burpees on the lines back to the Crayton entry

Repeat the set above with:
Squats X 10
iron Cross X 15
LBC’s X 20
Mercans X 25

At this point the plan was to return closer to St. Martins for some masonry exercises but the rumbles we’d heard broke loose and the sky parted to allow a single lightning bolt to descend to meet what might have been the Kathwood Baptist steeple… The resulting thunder was loud enough to invoke F3 protocol and the rest of the workout was scrubbed.

No COT, No Ball of Man, No announcements… everyone got in their cars and went home. I think Strom might have counted 170 Mercans (if Burpees count too).

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