• When: 08/30/2014
  • QIC: Doublemint
  • The PAX: Pot Hole, Phonebooth, Outhouse, Roommate, R2D2, C3PO, Smithers, Soccer Mom, Neckbrace, Bogey, Magoo, Shakespeare, Franzia, Selfie, Silverfish, A1A, Zamboni, Light Bill, Blue Crab, Futon, Lead Belly, Jon Kincer (FNG, Poe), Rabid, False Alarm, Tricycle, Rocket Man, EZ, Pablo, Kumbaya, Stirrups (War Daddy), Doublemint

…but it’s not basketball season!?!

(Note: The picture above was selected before last Thursday’s game. Now it is to remind Carolina fans of happier times.)

It’s a good thing that YHC double-checked the start time, getting there 30 minutes late would have been embarrassing, especially since it was a Depot and Speedtrap mini-convergence. The warning went out on twitter for the pax to bring their running shoes and be prepared to plank. The pax were promised a cardio and strength workout, so after a shaky disclaimer and a prayer, the pax got hard to work.

Conditions: 73 degrees and slightly humid at 89% (read: it was muggy)



10 IW for Walker IC
10 through the tunnel IC
10 squats IC

Mosey to the playground


20 Decline merkins

YOY rinse and repeat 5 times

Mosey to the soccer field


but it is not basketball season.
but it is not basketball season.








1st. corner 15 Spider-Man planks (YHC gave a demonstration)
2nd corner 15 right side plank crunch (YHC gave a demonstration)
3rd corner 15 left side plank crunch
4th corner 15 mountain climbers

YOY rinse and repeat 5 times

The plank crunches were a crowd-pleaser but there were comments about them being very close to a dance move.



(for those who want to remember the 1980’s though somehow the song doesn’t make the workout any easier) Jacob’s Ladder – Huey Lewis and the News

3 smurf jacks (YHC demonstrated and reminded the pax of Stagecoach’s requirement of not more that 2 apples high)
run up the hill
3 burpees

Rinse and repeat 7 times adding 1 smurf jack and burpee each time

Mosey to the field at the track

20 flutter kicks IC
20 russian twists IC


Feel the stretch
Feel the stretch

YHC lead the pax in some stretching after a hard workout.

Mosey to the shovel flag



– Regular workout schedule across the AO’s next week.

– There are a lot of opportunities for #CSAUP in the coming months with Mud Run, Governor’s Cup, Go Ruck, and Palmetto 200. Look for the pre-blasts or ask someone if you are interested.

– Keep Walker, Karie and Andy in your prayers. Several guys wore their Walker Strong t-shirts and took a picture after the workout.

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