• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

The Frosty Beaver

AO: Woodshed
Q: Teddy
PAX: Silent Bob, Silver Bullet, Pondo, Banjo, Jar Jar, Teddy
FNGs: None
On a frosty morning at Woodshed, 6 pax did the hard thing and knocked out some hard work with a good dose of fellowship on top….

20 sidestraddle hops in cadence; 20 imperial walkers in cadence; little baby arms circles forward and back, overhead claps and raise the roofs, all in cadence, 10 reps each; 20 windmills in cadence, then 20 squats OYO.

Lined up for an Indian run to the front of the school. Circled up on the lawn for 20 ‘mericans OYO; 20 LBCs OYO; 20 Teddy Rocks OYO, and 20 Teddy Rolls OYO.

Lined back up and Indian Ran back toward the brick cage. Paused and circled up in the field for a second round:
20 ‘mericans OYO; 20 LBCs OYO; 20 Teddy Rocks OYO, and 20 Teddy Rolls OYO.

Moseyed to the cage and grabbed blocks – circled up for the CSAUP – held air goblet squat while each pax knocked out two blockees (man maker burpees). Put the blocks on the ground for 5 Corn Dog ‘mericans on the block OYO (start in plank with hands beside the block – explode up and put your hands onto the block – next rep explode up and put your hands back down onto the ground – repeat). Return blocks to cage,

GRabbed small tires and divided into two groups – each pax discus threw the tire three times from each side while the rest of the group did squats. Did two rounds of this then returned the tires to the cage.
Moseyed to the lower playground and returned to the groups. Each pax did three sets of pullups to exhaustion (minimum 5 with negatives) while the rest of the group did flutter kicks.

Jail break back to COT.

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, Announcements, Prayer Requests.



Banjo Arrives for workout. Does two ‘mericans.

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