• When: 07/28/15
  • QIC: Hee-Haw
  • The PAX: Belding, Pipeline, Silver Bullet, Fro Yo, Meltdown, Squint, Flip Shade, Pondo, Wiki, Bonesaw, Co-Pay, Llama, Papercut, Tonto

Woodshed Report 07-28-15

15 men gathered in the humid gloom of the Woodshed and got better. Here’s what we did:


The Thang:

Lap around the track and fast mosey to field behind the school. Circle up and hold High Plank until the 6 arrives.

10 Merkins OYO
5 Burpees OYO
25 Flutter Kicks IC
5 Burpees OYO
25 Squats IC
5 Burpees OYO
25 Mt. Climbers IC
5 Burpees OYO

Line up on the wall and count off into 1’s and 2’s

Round 1:

1’s sprint to playground and back, 2’s max Hand-Stand Push-ups

Round 2:

1’s sprint to playground and lunge walk back, 2’s hold people’s chair

Mosey to playground. Partner up for Army Physical Fitness Test (PFT).

Explanation of standards for push-ups.

Partner 1 two minutes max Push-Ups while Partner 2 counts
(Remember your score and post in comments section below)

Explanation of standards for sit-ups.

Partner 1 two minutes max Sit-Ups while Partner 2 counts
(Remember your score and post in comments section below)

[Note: we did not do the 2 mile run…no time today]

Addition to PFT: Pull-Ups

Explanation of standards for pull-ups

Partner 1 one minute max Pull-Ups while Partner 2 counts
(Remember your score and post in comments section below)

Fast mosey back to the track.

1’s Sprint around the track, while 2’s do 15 Merkins, 15 Sit-Ups, and AMRAP Flutter Kicks

Rinse and repeat for 3 rounds total (#crowdpleaser)


BOM – Co-Pay


Great to be back with the Woodshed pax. Everybody worked hard today and got better. It can be a little intimidating to get hit with a PFT when you aren’t expecting it, but hopefully the Woodshed pax will embrace some sort of PFT as a metric for keeping track of their progress.


There were a lot.

Bubs had a clean scan, so his cancer is still in remission. (#PraiseHim)

Papercut is starting a Book Study. It meets at Eastminster Presbyterian Church at 6:00 on Tuesdays, starting August 4th (I believe). Hit him up for the details Papercut’s Twitter Handle

Still time to sign up for the Hot Summer’s Night 5k on August 1st. Details here

The Woodshed is celebrating it’s anniversary on August 29th with a huge convergence. Be there.

Meadowfield Elementary has given us permission to attend their open house tomorrow between 1pm and 7pm to promote F3. Contact Pondo if you can assist.

Little Mountain Half-Marathon is August 15th. Details here

We are launching a new AO on USC’s campus (specifically the Blatt PE Center) on August 22nd. Let Chaser know any leads you have on students and/or faculty at USC that might need F3

That’s all…for now

0 thoughts on “Woodshed Report 07-28-15”

  1. Great workout today HeeHaw. I got 72 push-ups; 68 situps; 15 pull ups total, but only 11 before I rested in the down position, which I think means I only got 11, but I’m not sure.

    1. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I got more than 15, but I know my feet touched the ground after 15, so that’s the number cause that was the Standard

  2. 40 / 47 / 1
    On the bright side, the doc cleared the shoulder for more work provided I watch the form and the impact.

  3. 27/30/2ish
    I’ll have to figure out how to do some form of a pull-up. My GI Joe genetics (rubber band shoulders) have me too paranoid to try. The last time I hung from something it took me 15 minutes to figure out how to get down, then another 5 minutes to put my shoulder back in socket…

  4. Bad news first… 34 – push-ups; 30 sit-ups; 0 pull-ups due to focusing on not splashing Merlot

    Good news… just getting back after a bought of injuries

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