75 degrees; little humid, but not too bad
The Thang
Once again, Handy Manny planned to help the PAX by parking his truck at the beach and running the 2.0 miles back to the AO BEFORE our 0530 start time. However, he had a later arrival time this week, and even he can’t run that 2 miles in less than 6 minutes, so after dropping off Hightower (TClaps for his first WaveRunner appearance), Handy Manny went to the beach and started running back, picking up the group after we had traveled around 3/4 of a mile.
Again, the plan was for the rest of the PAX to run to the beach, get some hard MudRun training in, and have a ride back.
At 0530, the PAX took off. YHC was middle of the pack and went at a 9:44 pace for a little over a mile to the planes. The leaders were quicker, and the 6 was a little behind. Let me add here that Hightower, who indicated he was a 20 minute mile time guy, actually came in in under 11 minutes. TClaps to him for pushing that pace.
At the planes, a quick Mucho Chesto was done:
10 Merkins
10 Incline Merkins
10 Dips
10 Decline Merkins
10 Merkins
Then off for the next mile to the beach at about the same pace
The following was done in the deep sand:
All exercises done approximately 25 yards one way
10 Burpees
Bear Crawl
Crawl Bear back
Lunge Walk
Burpee Broad Jump Back (crowdpleaser)
10 Burpees
20 Carolina Dry Docks OYO
Toy soldier walk
Imperial Walker walks back
Merkin Rolls back and forth (crowdpleaser)
Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
Hello Dollys x 15 IC
10 Burpees
TO THE WATER!!! Hightower stayed dry for some reason; as did Hoser who needed his shoes for the GoRuck later and wanted them dry!
20 Merkins OYO
20 Crab Humpers OYO (crowdpleaser; fishermen looked at us funny; PAX added sound effects)
Grab a partner and Fireman Carry to Hightower and around him and back to water
Flapjack partners
Merkin Roll
Jail break to truck (partial jail break..the PAX were tired and wet)
Also, an attempt was made to EH some gentlemen inquisitive as to what was going on. Probably saw the Crab Humpers and were impressed. #impressivegroupcadencethrusting. Granted, they were smoking and had mucho alcoholo with them, so not sure if that was an intoxicated inquiry, or a true inquiry. Anyhow, we explained F3 and invited them to the AO tomorrow…let’s hope they show!!!
Drive back to AO; no tailgate injuries this week
As mentioned above, TClaps to Hightower for coming out and pushing that pace! As YHC can attest, the boot camps get us in much better shape and more able to run.
Tclaps to Hoe Down for doing the entire workout in his signature gas mask. In fact, there were requests for a name change to Darth Vader. At one point, YHC was glad he was not the only one breathing super hard, as I heard hard labored breathing slightly behind me, only to look at see that it was in fact Hoe Down in his mask. #bummer
TClaps to Hoser for showing up and doing just about everything. He is doing the 10-12 hour GoRuck tonight, and wanted to “loosen up”. Chatter about loosen up later and sleep now!
TClaps to all of my F3 Brothers who continue to work hard, push one another to be better, and strive to help one another.
– Hopefully we can get info and meet Hoser and Studebaker at the finish line of the GoRuck after our AO tomorrow
– Remember extra credit Labor Day workout Monday at 0700 – Guest Q’s from Columbia
– #WaveRunner fellowship pace run group/MudRun training/rucking goes every Friday at 0530. Try to come out – it will only make you better and the boot camps easier. Paces for ALL – nobody will be left behind!!
– We are up to 4 Hard commit teams for the MudRun October 24. Some individuals with no team yet – just get your name out there and the PAX will follow. Follow this link to register. You register individually! Do it! Have fun at it! Join your brothers!
– Keep getting on the Q sheet!!! We need a few more Q’s for September. Step up and lead!
– Keep bringing FNG’s!
– Geno working on setting up a day, time, and location for 3rd