• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

International Men of Mystery

AO: stumble
Q: Pipeline , Skirt
PAX: Chewy, HolyPoker, Pondo, Ash (COMZ), Bemis, Kenny G, LA Gear, Odyssey, Pipeline, Prodigal, TapeWorm, Snowflake
FNGs: None
WARMUP: return from Toronto, receive text from the Q saying he’s in Greece (on special mystery assignment?). Teddy is manning the gate to the neighborhood and clears YHC and Pondo to pass.

THE THANG: Pax choose to run Skirt’s favorite route, Old Woodlands out & back. A loop around the end of Hampton Trace was added to get to 5K.


:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
– Memorial Day runvergence at the_bull 0600
– YHC 10th anniversary Stumble on Wed
– Get your merkins done.

Pipeline out.

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