• When: 
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  • The PAX: 

Creating our own luck scooter friendly

AO: sawmill
Q: Cottontail
PAX: Full Metal Jacket, Gepetto, Goodspeed, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Valdez, Betty Crocker
FNGs: None
WARMUP: mosey, copperhead squats, IW, hillbillies, LBAC, merkins, finkleswings, toy soldiers, monkey humpers, discover your coupon pile has been spirited away, mumble chatter about RCRC leadership, our donated American :flag-us: is missing, SSH
THE THANG: (1) mosey to church, 3 evolution around a nearly symmetrical four leaf clover parking lot. An exercise at each stop/loop (17 reps), finish back at the bus (bottom of the leaf stem), 3 burpees. Rinse and repeat. Merkins, dry docks, wide arms, alternating side planks with merkins between each side (from here forward we’ll call them flappers), one leg merkins, hand release merkins, squats, jump squats, lunges, mountain climbers, BBSH, flutter kicks, v-ups, side crunches, Freddy mercury, (probably more but you get the idea).
(2) Mosey to playground. 3 evolutions of 3 pull-ups followed by 17 each, hello dolly, plank jack, split squats.
(3) Mosey to where block pile used to be. 3 sets of team exercises on the 10 feet (+/-) long steel sprinkler pipe (I guess it was too heavy to remove), curls, overhead press, alternating shoulder press.
(4) Mosey to AO and close out with a round of Mary and stretches.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: rudders leading love child fundraiser for marathon. Sawmill HDHH coming soon, 4/3/24.
COT: prayers for Lemmy and Dr Davis family, prayers for those affected by storms and tornado in Midwest and my roots Indian Lake Ohio, and a guiding light, peace, guidance and direction for our community, specifically youth and those attracted to gun violence. Mentor someone, get involved, F3 men are #HIM.
Spread the word, lead by example, build bridges.

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