• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Hip Hop Hooray

AO: sandlot
Q: Runt
PAX: Bayou, Fenway, Ruby, Baby Seal
FNGs: None
side straddle hop x20 ic
Through the tunnel x20 ic
hillbillies x20 ic
Little baby arm circles x 20 ic

Thang 1:
Murder bunny across lot. Man maker with a twist and slide.
Redrum bunnies back across lot. Chicago sit ups with with a twist. 1 minute hollow body hold in between.

Thang 2: Tabata-ish
Rocky balboas
Colt 45s
Bolt 45s
Gorilla shuffle

Thang 3
Murder bunny across the lot. Man maker with 10 count mountain climber. 10 total.
Redrum bunny back across the lot. Rinse and repeat Chicago sit up with twist.

Thang 4: Tabata
Inchworms w/jump squat
Curtesy squats
Plank hops

Burpee Buyout: 15 total
3 4 by 4 burpees
3 mini 4 by 4 burpees
3 double plank jack burpees
3 navy seal burpees
3 jump tuck burpees

Beast Feast 10/28
10/26 Q still open. Ruby will take if no one steps up.
10/28 workout at Westwood High.
Prayers for Bayou’s wife and family. Baby Seals wife and one of his friends. Fenways wife

COT: Resolute
What character traits have you resolved in your heart and mind that you are committed to?
Traits that define you and speak to how want to be known no matter what.

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