• When: 08/18/15
  • QIC: Polo
  • The PAX: Polo, LeVar, Fhead, Strom, Nelly, Krusty, Sheets, Turtle, Stent, Plea, Choo-Choo, Korn with a K, Prom, Spread, Snowbird

Misery loves Company- welcome back to Rutland Cliff…I mean Hill

15 pax entered Swampfox, not knowing the hill that was facing each man. Nope, not Hamburger Hill. YHC decided to go off Campus to the severe drop-off from Forest Drive. Welcome to Misery- Rutland Hill.

Conditions- 74 and more humid than Monday.
The Thang-

From CMS, head down Clemson down Forest stopping at edge of school.
Imperial Walkers- 10X IC
Burpees 10 OYO
LB Arm Circles waiting on pax to finish.
Rinse and Repeat SSH, Burpees, LBAC 2 more times

Run to corner of Forest and Clemson
Jump Squats- 15X IC
Jump Lunges- 20 OYO
Catcher Squats- 20 OYO

Run to the base of Rutland Hill
25 SL BB Situps
Russian Twists- 25X IC
LBC’’s 20X IC
Flutter Kicks- 40X IC
Partner up to hold each other accountable (some opted for threesomes)
Base of Hill- 12 Diamond Merkins
Top of Hill 6 Burpees
Most pax got 4 reps in
BB Situps waiting on pax to finish up

Merkins 10X IC
Squats 10X IC

Rutland Hill again…
Base 10 Vups
Top of hill Russian Twists 10, counting one side
BB Situps waiting on six to arrive. Most got three reps in
Back to CMS- Three Pain Stations
1) Merkins 10X IC, LBC’s 20X IC
2) Merkins 10X IC, LBC’s 10X IC
3) Merkins 15X IC, LBC’s 15X IC

Jailbreak from edge of CMS to COT
COT Led by Polo
BOM led by Korn with a K

Prayer requests for Levar/his family and his Aunt, who is struggling with cancer
Get healthy soon, Secondhand.
Mark your Calendar- Dealer’s Choice to appear at Swampfox on 9.24.2015.
Highmark for numbers since YHC has taken over for Swampfox. Let’s keep the momentum going into Thursday. Costanza with a Thunder style beat down in the bullpen awaits.
Announcements stolen from Sisterwife:
 Never to early to think about the Mud Run. Heist on the Q
 #TheSpur launches this Saturday on USC Campus – 8/22. See the pre-blast
 #Woodshed Anniversary Convergence – 8/29
 #TheBull on Fire – 9/7
 Strictly Running 5-Miler – 9/7
 #F3BRR – 9/11 – 9/12
 Ruck even in Camden 9/19. See pre-blast for info
 #HDHH – Henry’s every Wednesday
 Downtown lunch has moved to Salsaritas in the Vista on Gervais St.
 Get w/Robber if you’re interested in supporting the guys at #TheMission

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