• When: 07/16/2015
  • QIC: Heist
  • The PAX: RestStop (respect), HeeHaw, Corn-Stache, Wingback

Legion: First 45 Minutes Free w/ 15 Minutes Bonus Beatdown Time!

5 Pax chose to get better #Legion style and cash in their bonus 15 minutes of torture. May have been the first day in July where it took over 25 seconds to start sweating.

Conditions: 76 Degrees with 64% humidity

The Thang:

Mosey to baseball center field for disclaimer and warm-up:

-SSH X 30 4CT IC
-Imperial Walker X 30 4CT IC
-Flutter Kicks X 30 IC 4 CT IC
-Freddy Mercury X 30 4CT IC
-Carolina Dry Docks X 20 OYO
-Squats (Slow good form) X 20 4CT IC
-Burpees X 10 OYO

Mosey to 1st base foul line:

-Sprint to 3rd base foul line
-Burpees X 10 OYO
-Bear crawl back
-Sprint to 3rd base foul line
-Burpees X 10 OYO
-Lung walk 1/2 way back
-Sprint remaining way back
-Sprint to 3rd base foul line
-Burppes X 10 OYO
-Broad jump 1/2 way back
-Sprint remaining way back

Mosey to basketball court, get 2 bricks

-Lil Arm Circles w/bricks forward X 15 4CT IC
-Lil Arm Circles w/bricks reverse X 15 4CT IC
-Overhead Press w/bricks X 15 4CT IC
-Side to Side Line Hops w/bricks X 30 OYO (count one side only)
-Jump Rope w/bricks X 25 4 CT IC
-Suicides w/o bricks (4 stops-top of key, half, top of key, full)
-Rinse and Repeat Suicide drill
-Merkin/Should Press Ladder 15/5 to 5/15
-15 Merkins on bricks and 5 Shoulder Press with bricks
-Each round drop count by 1 for Merkin down to 5
-Each round increase count by 1 for Shoulder Press up to 15

Mosey to 1st Street Corner:
-Plank until all arrive
-Burpees X 10 OYO
-Flutter Kicks X 20 OYO (Count one leg only)
-Squats X 30 OYO

Mosey to 2nd Street Corner:
-Plank until all arrive
-Burpees X 10 OYO
-Flutter Kicks X 20 OYO (Count one leg only)
-Squats X 30 OYO

Mosey to 3rd Street Corner:
-Plank until all arrive
-Burpees X 10 OYO
-Flutter Kicks X 20 OYO (Count one leg only)
-Squats X 30 OYO

Mosey to 4th Street Corner:
-Plank until all arrive
-Burpees X 10 OYO
-Flutter Kicks X 20 OYO (Count one leg only)
-Squats X 30 OYO

Mosey to Playground:
-Pull-ups X 40 OYO
-Burpees X 2 OYO (For every break you take from pull ups)

Mosey back to COT:
-Run on trail, cut through the woods, over creek/ditch
-Bear Crawl up hill to COT


-Stretch is hosting a Form Clinic this Saturday July 18th, following the 7am workout.

-Little Mountain Half Marathon August 15th

– New USC AO Starting August 22nd. Get word out to college students and professors!

-New Columbia High School AO launch on the horizon. Get word out to anybody in the area!


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