• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Watch out for geysers!!

AO: kudzu
Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker)
PAX: Bush, Gepetto, Valdez, Full Metal Jacket, Lemmy, The Beast
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Is conversation about what we gonna run count as warmup? Then YES!
THE THANG:Some ran. Some did Merkins. Some did both!
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Memorial Day at The Bull on Monday. Several HC’s
COT: Prayers worked for YHC’s M. All clear from doctor. She should have been taking another hormone replacement with the first. She went through many painful test for weeks for nothing!!! Doctor was fired for that and several other reasons. Not because she was a lady doctor. Ya kinda want those for you wife.
Devo: Are you giving everyone your best? You job? You Wife? Henry Kissinger? God?
Malachi 1:6-14
You won’t always, but try better!

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