Get BLIMPSsided! Down goes the Men of Sandlot. But they would not stay down.
6 Pax arrive at Sandlot this morning’s gloom with the uncertainty of who would be the Q. Honey Do had signed on but seemed to be a no-show. With that the rest looked at each other wondering what we should do. At that moment, #WelcombackKotter Binary jumped in and said that 4 weeks off after 2.1’s birth gave plenty of time to think of downPAINments for all. Binary had done a few solo WOs at home, not recommended for long term success, and provided the inspiration. Taking the Q def put the Pax on edge as they didn’t know what was coming.
Conditions: 76 and pleasant
The Thang:
Find a partner and begin mosey towards upper parking lot.
Stop to Lunge walk between two light poles
Arrive at base road to upper parking lot – plank until 6 arrives
10 Burpees OYO
Partners then Fireman’s Carry up road to Parking Lot, Set up COP
SSH – 20 IC
Count Down Squats – 15 IC
Little Arm Circles – 12 IC F/B straight into
Air Presses – 20 IC
Flutter Kicks – 20 IC
Mosey over to Tennis Court
BLIMPSsidedness goes into effect
With Partner complete BLIMPS (Burpees, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Squats) alternating between running a lap around both tennis courts while partner does and reps.
Round 1 Each Exercise 25 reps total (Individual must do at least 10 reps of each exercise regardless)
Mosey to Small Baseball Field
Round 2 of BLIMPS – Each exercise 50 reps total (Individual must do at least 20 reps of each) Laps around field
Chatter is getting a little gloomy as the Pax didn’t realize they were well on their way to doing over 100 Burpees
Mosey over to Hot Tub Hill (Crowd Favorite) Loved hearing they thought Binary would take them to soccer field only to go Next Level on everyone.
Round 3 of BLIMPS – 100 reps of each exercise (Must reach 100 of each exercise before moving on to next exercise) Guys AMRAP until there partners returns from lap back to top of the hill
Everybody finished just as the buzzer sounded by Temple Boy’s watch!
COT – Binary
BOM – Binary
Devotion – Binary shared the purpose of F3 is to build to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. Dredd speaks about how Quality Fitness brings guys in, which leads to fellowship, that ultimately allows one to share their faith.
F3 helps men #getbetter and #bebetter. #ISI is a huge deal. Binary dovetailed off of this idea to challenge Pax to remember the greatest call we have from Jesus which is to Go and make disciples of all nations. Jesus called us to go and reach to people. Let us not give up on that calling.
Prayers – Remember Bang Bang and Binary this week in their career decisions
Great push by the Pax and Binary was pumped to be back with the men. Looking forward to getting back in the regular fold.
Mission @ Finlay Park – Saturdays at 8:30 am. Help the men of Oliver Gospel get ready for the upcoming Mud Run
Keep pushing to get better