• When: 08/22/15
  • QIC: Nikita
  • The PAX: F3Columbia, F3Lexington, F3LakeMurray & the Collected Pax of USC

F3 Spur – Launch at USC

They are everywhere. Possibly one of the most overlooked hideouts is on campuses across our nation. Young men who have never been given a vision for actually being a man. For them, the cycle of donuts and gym memberships is an unavoidable part of their destiny. They’d prefer to resign themselves to the lifestyle they have seen lived in front of them rather than step out and effect change. To be better, to get better. They are Sad College Clowns.

But college students are not too young to overcome the Sad Clown Syndrome. We can EH them to put down the Xbox controller, avoid the gym-life intimidation, and become the men they can be. Imagine if the college campuses in our community were full of guys making the tough choices to get better every day. This can be a reality.

Come join the movement to see male community leadership take hold in the lives of college students as we launch F3 Columbia’s newest AO, Spur, at the University of South Carolina. Pass along the invite to all the students you know. It’s gonna be the hardest one there is… Guaranteed, or your belly flab back.

What?: Spur, F3 Columbia’s newest workout AO
When?: Saturday, August 22nd, 7am
Where?: Blatt PE Fields. (Corner of Wheat and Sumter)

(As Submitted by F’head)

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