• When: 2024-05-25
  • QIC: BunkBed
  • The PAX: Quaker, Betamax, Snowflake, Lobstah, Fallout, Evenflo

Eleanor’s First DawnStrike!

AO: dawnstrike
Q: BunkBed
PAX: Quaker, Betamax, Snowflake, Lobstah, Fallout, Evenflo
FNGs: 1 Evenflo
One intrepid Quaker moseyed around Columbia.

After getting pre-clearance from the M it was time for Eleanor to make her first dawnstrike appearance! The alert and calm 4.5 month old was wide awake after morning feeding and a change of clothes. She silently and patiently sat in her car seat on the way to both the Funnerest and Cutest AO ever. Unfortunately, YHC and 2.0 were a smidge late.

The PAX had a few moments to uuuu and awe over Eleanor’s cuteness. Snowflake with the assist of removing Eleanor from the car.

Slowsey while taking turns holding Eleanor

– SSH X15 IC
– TTT X10 IC
– WM X10 IC
– Merkins X25 OYO

Slowsey to the middle of the parking lot

– Merkins X25 OYO
– Squats X25 OYO

Slowsey to the brick pile and grab bricks

Introducing the Little Baby Lift Series! YHC held Eleanor while other PAX had bricks

– Little Baby Squat Thrusters X10 OYO
– Little Baby Curls X10 OYO
– Little Baby Tricep Extensions X10 OYO
– Lion Kings X10 OYO

Tummy time with Eleanor!

YHC placed Eleanor on her tummy and we did Superman till it looked like Eleanor was not longer pleased. She also spit up on her blanket. :/

Rolled Eleanor back over for some boat canoe!
The PAX sang several verses of Row, Row, Row, Your Boat while in the canoe position.

Little Baby Arm Activity (Led by YHC raising and lowering Eleanor’s arms) :microphone:
– Up and Down
– Big and Small
– Tall and Short
– Fast and Slow
– Yes and No
– Loud and Quite

Pack-up and slowsey to the Dreher back parking loop

Pit stop as Eleanor needed to have her diaper changed!

AMRAP run loop with exercise on each curve
– 20 Merkins
– 20 2 ct Flutter Kicks
– 20 2 ct American Hammers
– 20 Squats
– Increase by 1 rep each round
The PAX got to 24 merkins

Lobstah is chief baby holder at this time
We stopped the looped and headed to the front when Fallout needed to get back home.

50 more merkins at the flag to make 210 total on the day

Oscar would have been disturbed by the state the parking lot was left in. Trash was everywhere! But the PAX took their time getting trash up as we slowseyd.
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
05-27-24 Memorial Day 10 Year Anniversary of the_bull
– Prayers for Betamax’s wife trip to Japan. We hope she can give her kidney to her cousin!
– Prayers for Lobstah’s black balls
– Prayers and praise for such a wonderful baby and good group of people to be friends with
FNG Name -> Lobstah was carrying Flow coconut water with him the whole time, something about Pearl Jam Even Flow and that Evenflo is a baby company

A successful first trip to dawnstrike with Eleanor! I’m sure Snowflake has baby fever again. 😉

Our main man the Reverend Brother Mr. Flake brought coffee with him! Good conversations about family, kids and Lobstah learns that Beta used to be a Baker! Thanks for everyone’s help getting Eleanor back in the car.

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