• When: 07/11/15
  • QIC: Senator
  • The PAX: Hatter, Two Gloves, Honey Do, Blackwater, Senator

Burpees, Hills and Indian Runs!

5 PAX rolled out of the #fartsack ready to sweat off a few extra pounds in the lovely muggy conditions, of summers in the South. Some still a little sore from the weeks workouts.  YHC decided to not take it easy on the PAX.

Disclaimer given, and off the PAX ran to the baseball field.  Meeting up in the outfield for COP


Imperial Walkers x 25 IC

Merkins x 15 IC

Squats x 15 IC

Lunges x 20 IC

Big Boys x 10 OYO

Iron Crosses x 10 OYO

– Mosey to Home Plate

From home plate, run to outfield fence and perform exercise, run back to home plate for another exercise.

Left Field = 10 Big Boys, Home Plate = 10 Merkins

Center Field = 20 LBCs, Home Plate = 10 Carolina Dry Docks

Right Field = 30 Flutter Kicks, Home Plate = 10 Wide Arm Merkins

– Mosey to Right Field foul line

Broad Jump Burpee from Right Field Foul Line to Left Field Foul Line

(Looked better on paper, and turned out to be a smoker.  Approx. 35 Burpees and Broadjumps)

– Mosey to Playground

Round 1 = 5 Pull ups, 10 Mekins, 20 Step Ups, 30 Dips

Round 2 = 10 Pull ups, 20 Merkins, 40 Step Ups, 60 Dips

– Mosey to Hot Tub Hill

At top of hill 5 Burpees

form up for Indian Run around loop of Hot Tub Hill, stopping at top of hill to perform designated exercise

Lap 1 = 10 Merkins

Lap 2 = 15 Big Boys

Lap 3 = 20 Squats

Lap 4 = 25 Hello Dollys

Lap 5 = 30 LBC

– Mosey back across street, form up in grassy area beside gym

Perform Merkin Big Boy Challenge:

1 Merkin, followed by 11 Big Boys.  Complete this process until 11 Merkins have been performed and 1 Big Boy


Flutter Kicks x 30 IC

Iron Crosses with 6″ hold, up downs

SSH x 30 IC

Mountain Climbers x 30 IC




Keep working on form, in order to get better, and avoid injury.

Continue to work on getting guys back, who we haven’t seen in a while






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