• When: 2020-11-05
  • QIC: Jar Jar
  • The PAX: Silent Bob, Rhonda, Corndog, TomTom, Ash, Teddy, Maytag, Jar Jar, somebody else but my recording cut out

This is the way

9 wayward bounty hunters had the misfortune of finding themselves at Hampton Memorial Park at 0530 today. But they soon learned to follow Jar Jar, because…


(maybe not quite so extreme)


Intro music:

Tha Thang: Minimal running was promised, and delivered.

Brief Mosey to COP while awaiting late arrivals, warm up with

SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, LBAC’s, Windmill

Mosey to Corner. Slow/Fast Squats.

Arkloaders about 100 yards, varying bearcrawl, inchworm, and crabwalk. Flutter for the 6. So fun, let’s do it again, another 100 yards to the corner.

Time to sail across the galaxy on our quest. Everybody is an individual, excepting YHC and Teddy, who became a clan of two. Airchair during the mansplainer.

Modified Tabata stations: 30 seconds AMRAP, 10 seconds rest, rinse and repeat twice at each station for a total of 90 seconds work, then rotate. On 2nd rotation, just a single 30/10 set due to time constraints.

1: Mandalorian (Bulgarian) Split Squats

2: Burpees

3: Crabcakes

4: Bonnie Blair /Jumpsquats

5: Curls

6: Thrusters

7: Windshield wiper/alphabet/pulseups

8: Carolina SpaceDocks

   This is so much fun!

Lunge walk back to corner while others return CMUs

Let’s do another arkloader for 100 yards! And after that, let’s do some monkey humpers.

Mosey to corner, do some squats. Mosey to AO, do some pulseups OYO. And endex! Time to eat!

Announcements: Next week back to Woodshed AO. Congrats to Maytag for getting accepted to USC Medical School! Happy Birthday Rhonda!

Prayer requests: Helen Foley after accident, Costanza’s mom Peggy, Corndog’s family member passed.

Virtual BOM

Devo: Matthew 6:1 Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

Don’t be a man-pleaser or someone who wants credit every time you do well. Be a man of service and integrity in private, and seek to please the One who sees all and loves you.

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