• When: 2020-11-05
  • QIC: Cowbell
  • The PAX: Ranger (R), Forrest, Pot Luck, 7-11, Fast Casual, Headgear, Voltron (R), Notebook, Recall, The Hedges, Floppy Disc, Rock Drop (R)

Just a little bit more

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We had a nice turn out this morning at the Arena.

Weather was a nice 48 degrees.

We started out with a warm up run around the small circle of the parking lot. We then circled up for some exercises in cadence.

20 SSH, 20 Imperial walkers, 20 Little baby arm circles, 20 Overhead claps, 10 TTT, 42 seconds of stretching oyo.

Mosie to the block pile then take them around back.


No modifications. Everyone is to do as many reps of each exercise as they can do, with good form. Once they reach their failure point, they are to try to do one more. If they can do one more after that, they try to push through the pain. After failure, lunge to the school and mosie back. Plank for the beast (I mean 6).

  1. Merkins
  2. Curls for the girls
  3. Bent over rows
  4. 6″
  5. Shoulder press
  6. Peoples chair
  7. Pull ups

Finish up by returning the blocks and circling back at the flag.

When you work out your muscles to failure, they grow and get stronger. Hopefully the PAX got stronger today.

Prayers for Notebook, who it was great to see today, also Forest’s coworkers 17 year old son has stage 4 cancer, as well as our country.

Announcement – Cheech 10K next weekend

Devotional/motivational message for the day:

The Compound Effect is a great book that reviews the one habit that can make anyone great. Do a little bit more to get better every day and it will compound into greatness. Just like compound interest makes a small amount of money millions if you give it time, making small improvements in your life every day over time will allow you to achieve greatness. Good enough isn’t good enough. Do a little bit more and you will set your self apart. Just do it, whether you feel like to or not. You will be better for it.

God Bless,



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