• When: 2022-04-14
  • QIC: Soaker
  • The PAX: Coon Dog, Bing, Buzz Saw (R), Cheers, Soaker

Shawshank B-Day Bash

The date was April 15, 1973, the location was Greenville, SC. The occasion was the birth of Chadwick C. Barrett, aka – Soaker. I remember the day well. It was hot, humid, cramped…and then, all of a sudden…FREEDOM. I was out, on my own, unattached to anyone for the first time in 7.5 months (tad early). 49 years later finds me at Shawshank. What a place to be on the eve of a b-day.

As a kid, b-day parties were exciting, something to look forward to, something that took long to arrive. Shawshank bootcamps are the same. I woke up at 2:55am all a-quiver thinking about the opportunity to Q. I devised a plan then looked at the clock. Time to grab another hour of sleep.

YHC arrived at 5am, just after the full stride-liters took off (3 of them). YHC headed to the field closest to the blocks and bricks to set up what was sure to be the perfect Q. Those dreams were dashed quickly upon seeing the bricks missing, smashed, or both. Only a few bricks remained and, surely, those few remaining bricks would not be enough for the crowd that was sure to post in the gloom. Think, think, think. What would KD do? Improvise. A bootcamp requiring no blocks, no bricks, no nothing but the internal desire to get better. Done. YHC headed back to the car, pillaged in the trunk and found a blast from the past. Good times would be had at last. Here we go.

1 minute warning, disclaimer, no FNG’s, open in prayer.

Mosey a lap around one parking lot island and square up.

SSH x 49 IC, TTT x 10 IC, Michael Phelps x 10 IC. 

Head to the picnic shelter for the fun.

After each round, mosey a lap around 1 parking lot island.

Round 1 – 10 Burpees

Round 2 – 10 Burpees, 10 step-ups each leg

Round 3 – 10 Burpees, 10 step-ups each leg, 20 decline merkins, 20 incline merkins

Round 4 – 10 Burpees, 10 step-ups each leg, 20 decline merkins, 20 incline merkins, 30 iron crosses

Round 5 – 10 Burpees, 10 step-ups each leg, 20 decline merkins, 20 incline merkins, 30 iron crosses, 40 dips

Round 6 – 10 Burpees, 10 step-ups each leg, 20 decline merkins, 20 incline merkins, 30 iron crosses, 40 dips, 50 squats

Round 7 – 10 Burpees, 10 step-ups each leg, 20 decline merkins, 20 incline merkins, 30 iron crosses, 40 dips, 50 squats, 60 SSH’s



4/23 – Don’t Suffer Challenge – 6am at CAT

5/16-5/22 – Run SAFE Lexington – details to come

Prayer requests:

Pax and families going through tough times.

Close in prayer.

Devo: – Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the church. Think about what he did during this week. Giving himself 100% for his people. What an example we have to follow. Do it daily.

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