• When: 2019-10-07
  • QIC: Turncoat
  • The PAX: Turnpike, Wham!, Free Bird, Katniss, Hugo, Wannabe, Toy

Pylo Merkin Monday

8 PAX arrived at The Castle at 5:30 a.m. to a clear 70 degree gloom

Opened with the Disclaimer then onto exercises

Warm up

Side straddle hop (20 in cadence)

Through the tunnel (10 in cadence)

Dirty downward dog (10 each arm oyo)

Yoga Side stretch to right (oyo)

Yoga Side stretch to left (oyo)

Little baby arm circles (20 in cadence)

The quad stretch (oyo)

The windmill (15 in cadence)

The plyo merkin (10 oyo)


Hill runs with burpees (for the HIIT portion of the workout)

sprint x 50% effort x 2

When reach top of hill did 6 burpees 6 x 2 = 12

sprint x 75% effort x 2

When reach top of hill did 4 burpees 4 x 2 = 8

sprint x 90% effort x 2

When reach top of hill did 2 burpees x 2 = 4

That’s 24 burpees in total!


20 x 20 x 20 x 20 at the picnic tables

Decline merkins x 20

Dips x 20

single leg squat to bench x 10 each leg

balance Lunge x 10 each leg

rinsed and repeated

Tennis court fun!

Across court bear crawling , crab walking back x 2

Lateral hop up the court and back

Side shuffle across court from end to end x 6

Back to AOQ

Iron crosses (20 in cadence)

LBCs (20 oyo)

10 plyo merkins oyo

Froggers (20 oyo)

Iron crosses (15 in cadence)


COT: convergence Oct. 19th, Lunch at Salty Nut this Friday, closing prayer.