• When: 2021-10-19
  • QIC: Wally
  • The PAX: Wally, Stretch, Billy Bob, Bindi, Zima, Ratatouille, Boo Boo, Pinkman, Zuba

Hammer gets to play a few games

Conditions: 48 and real nice

YHC had been thinking for a while of a way to mix up a typical Q.  BooBoo stole my thunder the previous week with the round of ultimate frisbee, but I decided to go for it anyways.  Drawing inspiration from the new netflix series Squid Game, we took it old school.


Mosey to end of parking lot and back.  Head for tennis courts.

-First game up was red light green light.  Ours was significantly less violent than the tv show, but still painful.  The caller at one end of the tennis courts held air chair or low plank while calling red light/green light.  The rest of the PAX sought to make it to the end without getting caught.  For those unfortunate enough to not freeze, 20 burpees were assigned.  4 rounds.

-Next up was a round of four corners.  One person in the center seeks to eliminate the rest of the PAX round by round.  Corner 1 was merkins, corner 2 big boy situps, corner 3 burpees, corner 4 squats.  The caller in the center completes 50 squats and at the end calls a corner.  Those PAX in that corner are eliminated and come to the center to complete 10 merkins, 20 LBC, and 30 squats until the game is over.  A new round commences until all PAX are eliminated or the caller calls an empty corner. After a few callers, headed to front of tennis court.

-Suicide to each court and 10 burpees at the end.

-25 BBS, 25 LBC, 25 Iron Cross

-Planks with arm lift on each side.

-Mosey back to COT for wall sits, merkins, BBS, slumdogs.


1 thought on “Hammer gets to play a few games”

  1. @wally thx for posting…was googling for similar squid game themed work out, well done! What’s a slum dog btw? Syitg GoldenBoy_F3_Churham

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