• When: 2023-10-26
  • QIC: PickAxe
  • The PAX: Granola-R, GlowWorm, ET

Non aerobic morning

An anti runner friendly workout was promised along with the opportunity to request playlist additions. 3 Pax joined me at 5 am to see what it was all about.

Weather was great, shorts, long sleeves and a light gator over the ears. Started with disclaimer prayer and moseyed to the teachers lot for some warmup. Ssh, ttt, mercams, slomo squats, ohc and Michael Phelps got us moving. 

From there moseyed to the block pile. Comment was made about distance being moseyed but a trip to the block pile doesnt count as running distance..

Each Pax took a block to the bb court. Pax split into two groups with one Pax performing exercise on the north end of the court and the other farmers carrying to the opposite side and back. Pax would then swap exercise and farmers carry. This was repeated until each Pax completed 3 rotations of the exercise 3 sets if you will. The exercises were, ohp, block mercan, 2 hand ground to overhead, curls for the girls, triceps ext, squat thruster, rows and alternating single leg squats using the picnic table benches. Tunes were played a little louder than usual and the the additions hit well.

Blocks were returned and the Pax returned to the shovel flag for a few fks until 5:45.

Announcements are all running events, check x, verse of the day from the Bible app was read a closed with a prayer.


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