• When: 2020-10-20
  • QIC: Nub
  • The PAX: Shankopotomus-R, Hollywood-R, Pullout, Wilson, Happy Trees, Belding, Urkel, Swayze, Nub

Routines are routinely routine

9 faithful Pax posted to Smokehouse even with the previous nights warning from Swayze regarding his choice for supper and what of course what that usually means for the gloom (Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know Swayze…its all organic, get another line how bout it)–1Pax for SL.  Well after warning, disclaimer, and opening prayer we moseyed to track to start the morning fun .  Basically YHC was dared to run and do burpees so oh well might as well give em what they want in order to MSGA.  Indian Run around track and circle up.

COP-  SSHx15 IC, Toe touches 15 OMC, Spread em/Right side&left side 15 OMC, OHC’s x15 IC, LBAC x 15 IC

The Thang:  Grab a block and head back to start/finish line of track for our routinely routine routine.  But before Swayze starts all his organicness, YHC drew straws to see who got the pleasure of being Swayze’s partner, first drawer…Shank first loser…Shank…sorry Shank!  But the whole point was to segregate Swayze and his aroma but YHC forgot to separate them, thx Swazye for keeping it all in this morning.  New routine which was similar to an old routine was the DIEGO (Dora’s cousin but a bit harsher than loveable ole DORA).  100 Merkins, 150 Block Curls, 200 LBC‘s, 250 Block presses, 300 Squats were to be completed by the partners with P1 exercising and P2 running down to time keeper hut and back, then flapjack.  It was about to the presses segment until YHC saw a glisten of sweat break the brown of Urkel which was a goal met since apparently all up until then was easy and boring.  Once completing the routine we planked for a short bit to catch our breath and then out to the wetness of the practice field for my favorite routine, running and burpees!!!

Pax would star on goal line.  Sprint to the 10 yd line, do a burpee then mosey to the other goal line.  Then sprint back to the 20 yd line, do 2 burpees then mosey back to the opposite end and sprint to 30, 3 burpees mosey to end and so on and so forth until YHC called time.  Blocks back up and mosey to the SF, hope you got better and didn’t rust this morning Hollywood, that was another goal.

Count o rama, name o rama

Announcements: Gauntlet (post on board if you are in and hopefully a partner or 2 will join you.  Also on 30th (next Friday) after Rooster, we’ll be meeting back up and finishing the beautification project next door to the library and just up the road from Smokehouse.

Prayers:  Doodle’s family as they are going to Charlotte to have some tests done on Sara Kate to try and figure out her seizures.  Unspoken prayers

Devo:  Reading taken from Psalm 95.  Stay on Track but make it personal with God.  Be faithful in your prayers but don’t just go through the motions, make your time with God personal every day and not just a routinely routine routine.


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