• When: 2020-01-11
  • QIC: Deadstick
  • The PAX: Copay (R), Breaker Breaker (R), Hawg-Tied (R), New Helmet (R), Utah (R), Papa Georgio, Dirty Bird (R), Nugget (R), POTUS (R), Bionic (R), Columbo (R), Handlebar, Chum (R), Otto (R) (FNG), Deadstick

Rope-A-Dope @F3Boneyard

Conditions: A balmy 60 degrees helped the PAX work up a little sweat for a change!  The rain held off again today!

The Thang:

FNG! Welcome T.R. Parrish, “Otto” as a new F3 member!

Warmup – YHC kept the warm-up short so we could finish the routine today.

  • Through the Tunnel (15 IC, Tinkle style, good form, stand fully erect, clap hands behind your back)
  • Windmill (15 IC, once again good form, stand fully erect)

Circuit: YHC had a six-station circuit set up. We made it through the entire seven rounds with a little time to spare.  I could have kicked the cone a little farther maybe!  They are as follows:

Station 1: “Timer Station” Farmers carry two blocks to the far cone. With each rotation, YHC added 10 paces (+/-) to the distance. After the 4th round, I started kicking the cone back to make it shorter.

Station 2: Ab Station

  1. LBC’s
  2. Big Boy Sit-ups
  3. American Hammer
  4. Sweat Angels
  5. Reverse Crunch
  6. Not So Lazy Boy
  7. Inverted Superman

Station 3: The Magnificent Seven Merkins

  1. Carolina Dry Dock
  2. Wide Merkins
  3. Regular Merkins
  4. Ranger Merkins
  5. Diamond Merkins
  6. Crucible Merkins
  7. Chuck Norris Merkins

Station 4: Burpee Station

  1. Burpees
  2. More Burpees
  3. More Burpees
  4. More Burpees
  5. More Burpees
  6. More Burpees
  7. More Burpees

Station 5: The Leg Station

  1. Squats
  2. Jump Squats
  3. Step-Ups
  4. Lunges
  5. Monkey Humpers
  6. Calf Raises
  7. Ballerina Toe Squats

Station 6: The Rope-A-Dope

  1. Battle Ropes, up and down, alternating arms
  2. Up and down, arms together
  3. Back and forth, alternating arms on top and bottom
  4. Circle, jump to side with each toss of the ropes
  5. Burpee, complete a burpee before throwing the rope up
  6. Twist, twist at hip to each side, hands together
  7. Figure 8 pattern


  • @Jumonji is doing a “Mystery Migration” to all the AO’s. Once a month they will visit a different AO. We appreciated Columbo, Handlebar & Papa Georgia visiting Boneyard today!
  • Dirty Bird reminded all PAX to be aware that F3 PAX are guests of the schools where they work out.  Follow all rules on campus, drive safely, make the campus a better place.
  • Feb 1st, MGC Longrun. Discount Code “RunF3”.  Proceeds go to USO
  • Feb 20th, POTUS presenting at Lexington Rotary, contact Dirty-Bird or Chum or Otto.
  • Mar. 30th Rotary Oyster Roast. At the Grove on Augusta, (former Harmon Tree Farm). Root Doctors entertaining. Contact Dirty-Bird, Chum or Otto.
  • Apr. 11th, Boneyard quarterly gathering at @ Grease Monkey’s house.


  • Otto’s first cousin’s wife.
  • Deadstick’s former boss. Triple bypass recovery going well. Thanks for prayers.
  • Chum’s co-worker Julia, prayers for her cancer.
  • Unspoken prayers and needs.


TR Parrish, 65, “Otto”, born in Richland County, moved to Lexington County at 5 months,  Airport High School, Georgia Tech graduate, worked at Duke, retired from Delta Airlines, Lexington Baptist Church, Rotarian, golfer. Chum came up with the suggested name “Otto” for the Ottopilot in the movie Airplane.

Elaine activates the plane’s autopilot – a large inflatable pilot doll to get them to get them to Chicago


Pledge of Alegience

Lord’s Prayer

Coffeteria at Chick-fil-A followed

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