• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Grumpy Old Men

5 highly respected men sat in waiting Tuesday morn for their hated Q, making for a total of 6 pax. Since YHC is so late writing this, there may be some errors, but thankfully, none of you will remember…


Jog to school parking lot for COP

Squat 20 IC
Arm Circles 10 each IC
Flutter Kick 20 IC
Merkin 10 IC

Jog to tennis courts

Line up on a side line.
#1) Bunny hop the width of the first court, counting your number of hops, then do Merkins X # of hops. Repeat, returning to start line.
#2) Lunge across two courts, counting your lunges and do as many big boy sit-ups. Repeat for return trip.
#3) Backwards run across all three courts, counting your steps. Then do as many squats. Repeat for return trip.

(Some time during the squats, Fiji and Futon got into a “discussion” on form that felt like a scene from Grumpy Old Men.)

Mosey to the playground.

5 pull-ups // 15 Merkins – X5
(If you can’t do full pull ups, the alternative was to get assistance up, then lower yourself as slow as you can without assistance. In this case, do a ladder 5-4-3-2-1 instead of 5 each time)

Mosey jog to rock pile.

Curls 25 IC
Napalm 25 IC
Row 25 IC
Chest press 63 IC
Russian Twist 15 IC


Indian run back to parking lot then ALL YOU GOT back to the cars.

Moleskin: I love working out with this group of men.

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