• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

The 212’s

AO: woodshed
Q: Silver Bullet
PAX: Side Salad, Silent Bob, Silver Bullet, Teddy, Happy Trees
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH (20); Imperial Walkers (10); squats (20); Arm Circles (11, 11, 11, 11)

Next to the AO:
10 calf raises + 10 merkins
10 calf raises + 10 merkins
10 calf raises + 10 merkins
10 calf raises + 10 merkins
10 calf raises + 10 merkins

On the road (towards Meadowfield):
Lunge walk to light + 10 merkins
Lunge walk to light + 10 merkins
Lunge walk to light + 10 merkins
Lunge walk to light + 10 merkins
Lunge walk to tree + 10 merkins

Run around circus + 10 merkins
Run 3/4 around circus + 10 merkins

At front of school:
10 merkins at metal awning pole, go to next one;
10 merkins at metal awning pole, go to next one;
10 merkins at metal awning pole, go to next one;
10 merkins at metal awning pole, go to next one;
10 merkins at parking sign

Run around oval (Indy-style) + 10 merkins + 10 monkey humpers

Run around oval (NASCAR-style) + 20 merkins

On curb:
10 Ukraine Hammers
20 flutter kicks

Back on road, heading back to the AO:
Lunge walk to light + 6 merkins
Jog to next light + 6 merkins
Jog to AO
Plank for the 6

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Monday, May 27 Memorial Day at the Bull. Sleep in, because it starts at 0600. Bring your kettle bells, if you dare, so that it will feel like a Wednesday Stumble workout!

COT: Prayers for Chewie’s (and Winston’s) mom. And for Side Salad’s safe return from the sin of Las Vegas.

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