• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Get Warm, Stay Warm

AO: Woodshed
Q: Silent Bob
PAX: Pondo, Serena, Silver Bullet, Teddy, Side Salad, Silent Bob
FNGs: None
Emphasis on the “warm” since it was in the 30s…
-Side Straddle Hops x20
-Imperial Walkers x20
-Windmill x20
-Grass Pickers x20
-Merkins x20

After we got warm, the goal was to stay warm… Mosey around the neighborhood including down and backs on the 4 cul-de-sacs along Macon (Cardiff, Timmons, Christopher, and Wembley) with 5 burpees at the end of each.

In no definite order, we got in 50 calf raises, 50 merkins, 20 six-count squats, 50 LBCs + AMRAP sets of squats, LBCs, and merkins. Covered 2.1 miles!

Prayers for Hudson and discussion about how each man adds something special by being here

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