• When: 2018-08-04
  • QIC: Minion & Collar
  • The PAX: Minion, Collar, Garnish, Cesspool, Billy Bob, Hawg, Staccato

Weekly Battle Beatdown

YHC waited so long to get to the backblast to try and keep from reliving this workout.  It was hot, humid, exhausting, miserable, and every other adjective that a normal Battle workout is.  Here is what happened.


Mosey to the Battle Loop

Partner Dora at the Battle Loop: While Partner 1 runs the loop, Partner 2 starts does the exercise:

Pull-ups x 100

Burpees x 100

Merkins x 200

BBS x 200

Iron Cross x 300

Squats x 300

Flutters x 400

Russian Twists x 400

Needless to say this was not completed in Minion’s 30 minutes of allotted time.  So the PAX stopped where they were and began YHC’s half of the workout


Round 1

Bearcrawl 1/4 of the Battle Loop stop and do 50 BBS

Run 1/4 of the Battle Loop stop and do 50 Heel-Tap Crunches

Run 1/4 of the Battle Loop stop and do 50 Russian Twists

Run 1/4 of the Battle Loop stop and do 50 Freddy Mercurys

Round 2 is the same as Round 1 except we crabwalked instead of bearcrawled.

This workout was brutal, YHC planned for 2 more rounds but luckily we could only get through the first two.




Palmetto Place Cookout on the 17th

There will be a Labor Day Convergence at Hand Middle School