• When: 05/25/17
  • QIC: Chaser
  • The PAX: Beads, Spot, PaperBoy, Robber, DoubleMint, Pipeline, Promo, Splinter, Noonan, Insanity, Boris, Subprime, Backdraft, Chaser

#Thunder Sweats Just A Little Bit

14 appeared this morning looking for work and it was cooler but at 95% humidity due to the rain over the last three days the water seemed to come from the ground up instead of the sky down. YHC’s plan called for 45 minutes of an elevated heart rate and the sweat poured like this week’s rains down the faces of the pax.

Work. Was. Done.

Mosey out into the field:

SSH x 20
Squats x 15
Merkins x 10
Burpees x 5

Partner Up: Double Work Dora
P1 run to:
Cone 1: 10 sit-ups
Cone 2: 10 sit-ups
Cone 3: 10 sit-ups
Cone 4: 10 sit-ups
Run back to benches
P2 at benches:
100 decline merkins (feet on bench)
100 box jumps
100 dips
100 jump squats
Flap jack until all work is done.

18 minute AMRAP on track OYO:
Sprint straightaways, jog ends
At every corner
9 merkins
6 dry docks
3 hand release burpees

COP: 6 Minutes of Mary

Flutter Kicks x 50
Butterfly sit-ups x 20 OYO
Flutter kicks x 30 (slow count)

Mosey to parking lot.
led by YHC
Devotional led by Spot

– Great work by all who appeared in the gloom. YHC thought it was a good combo of strength work and cardio this morning and the heart rate stayed elevated for 95% of the workout. Good stuff men.
– Major #tclaps to Beads for the swag given to those that completed what he has dubbed Thunder’s “Reynolds Week” as 6 men posted both Tuesday and Thursday. Swag recipients were Subprime, Splinter, Boris, Pipeline, Backdraft and YHC. Those that did not receive actual swag I believe it was said they will get a MudGear gift certificate. YHC picked up a Thunder shirt, which he has been wanting, and it was well timed after i threw down a perfectly good F3 race jersey during the sweltering MudRun. Thanks Beads!

– There were some but I can’t remember them.

1 thought on “#Thunder Sweats Just A Little Bit”

  1. Great cap to a great week at Thunder. Felt like old times this week. Hard work with minimal tomfoolery.

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