• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Paid our respects to Martha

AO: Stumble
Q: Pipeline
PAX: BabyRuth, HolyPoker, Ash, Pipeline
FNGs: None
Conditions: slightly less swampy than expected. The rain held off until after #Coffeeteria.


Exit AO down Old Woodlands. Right on #IndianMound and follow it around, up #Martha, and back to Old Woodlands. Right on Old Woodlands. Right on Hampton Leas. All the way to the end. Reverse course. Left on Old Woodlands. All the way back to the AO via the #UncleBob back entrance. #FinishStrongForSyd

The pax passed @Noonan running solo near the bottom of Hampton Leas. YHC thought it was @Minion. YHC also caught @Ziffel doing a #RunOfShame around 0700. #SadClownRelapses

All 4 pax made it to @Coffeeteria where they were joined by @Tapeworm.



Rogue anniversary tomorrow, 0515 at the AO. If today’s route has you gassed, Thunder and Woodshed will be holding a bootcamp with @Fallout on Q.

Prayers for Sydney (@LoveChild 2.0) and Stephanie (YHC’s M) . #EndOfAllWarAndConflict.

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