• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Belated MOM’s Day

AO: Stumble
Q: LA Gear
PAX: Ash
FNGs: None

WARMUP: pre-run leg loosening exercises waiting for Ash to arrive (right on time) followed by review of route
THE THANG: visiting MOM for belated MOM’s Day.

The basics: as penance for not visiting her yesterday, we’ll start with a MOM Death Loop followed by Hampton Hill / Kilbourne / Montague and one MOM segment to close out the run.

AO to GF light at top of hill. Cross GF at light.
Turn L down GF.
R on Montague
R on Wetherill
R on Hampton Hill
Turn around when reaching GF
Back up Hampton Hill
L on Wetherill
L on Montague
L on GF
Up GF to light at top of hill
[Thus ends the MOM Death Loop]
Turn around back down GF
R on Hampton Hill
L on Kilbourne
L on Montague
R on GF to light at bottom of hill
Cross GF
Run back up MOM and to AO
MARY: both my grandmama and my great grandmama (granny)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Legion Day tomorrow; Steel Hands on Sunday
COT: prayers for Hudson’s continued recovery; prayers for family involved in wreck last week (youngest child still heavily sedated in ICU); Dedication of Merit (sharing benefit of our work with all other beings)

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