• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Nails Dethroned

AO: score
Q: Dealers’ Choice , Crawlspace, Nails, OBC, Sled
PAX: Crawlspace, OBC, Nails, Sled, TapeWorm
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Crawlspace warmup
THE THANG: Dealers Choice
MARY:Dying Cockroaches
COT:Nails was not the War Daddy today! TapeWorm dethroned him! Sled was grateful for prayers and Michael is doing better than expected. Praying that Mrs Ray Charles has a great first flight! Prayers also out to Tiger Lilly! Despite being without Rivet (I hope all is well), we managed to hold it together this AM!

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